- bended strain ga(u)ge 粘贴式应变计
- printed resistance strain ga(u)ge 印刷电阻应变片
- self-temperature-compensated strain ga(u)ge 温度自补偿应变片
- electric resistance strain ga(u)ge 电阻应变计
- electric resistance-wire strain ga(u)ge 电阻线弹性应变计
- electric-resistance strain ga(u)ge 电阻丝应变片
- electric strain ga(u)ge 电测应变仪
- strain ga(u)ge station 应变测量站
- interferometer strain ga(u)ge 应变干涉仪
- self-balancing strain ga(u)ge 自平衡应变仪
- resistance wire strain ga(u)ge 电阻丝应变仪
- Ovalisation at maximum bending strain in the small scale reeling tests was not measured. 在小型的卷轴测试中基于最大弯曲应变的成椭圆形是没有规则的。
- ring strain ga(u)ge 环式应变计
- Moreover, Equation (5.15) predicts ovalisation at maximum bending strain while measurements were performed after the bending test. 此外,等式(5.;15)预测了在挠度测试后度量的基于最大弯曲应变的成椭圆形,
- piezoelectric strain ga(u)ge 压电应变仪
- Fig.2 Comparing amino acid sequences of glycoprotein I from MDV strains GA (vMDV),RB1B(vvMDV) and 648A (vv+MDV). 中“-”表示相同。RB1B株的序列原发表资料没有全部完成。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The critical bending strain energy density and the compressing strain energy density of the diatomite asphalt mixture are greater than those of the neat asphalt mixture. 硅藻土沥青混合料临界弯曲应变能密度及压缩应变能密度均大于基质沥青混合料;
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- vibratory strain ga(u)ge 振弦应变计