- I want to punch a new hole in the belt. 我想在这条皮带上打一个新孔。
- He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch. 他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔。
- Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt. 幸亏我当时系上了安全带。
- The punch in the stomach completely winded me. 我肚子上挨了一拳一时完全喘不过气来。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用。
- I thought his remarks were quite below the belt. 我觉得他的话十分尖酸刻毒。
- My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt. 我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉。
- He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. 他一拳击中攻击他的人的下颚,把他打倒在地。
- The punch was aimed at his opponent's head. 那一拳是冲著对手的头打去的。
- She wears a ribbon belt round her waist. 她在腰部束了一条缎带。
- She wore a wide belt round her waist. 她束了一条宽腰带。
- The air hostess asked everyone to belt up. 空中小姐要大家扣好安全带。
- He decked him with his first punch. 他第一拳就把他打倒在地。
- My shirt hikes up if I don't wear a belt. 我不束腰带的话,衬衣就会向上滑。
- Spectators cheered at his KO punch. 观众为他击倒对手的一击而喝采。
- We made gallons of rum punch for the party. 我们为聚会准备了许多兰姆潘趣酒。
- He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. 他吊在半空中,安全带救了他。
- I wanted to punch him for his betrayal. 因为他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一顿。
- Those cocktails pack quite a punch! 那些鸡尾酒劲儿可真大!
- He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。