- In effect, Herzberg took Maslow's hierarchy and divided it in two, regarding physiological ,safety and belonging needs as hygiene factors and self esteem and self actualization needs as motivators. 赫茨伯格有效地将马斯洛的需要层次划分为二:生理、安全和归属需要相当于保健因素,受人尊重和自我满足的需要则相当于激励因素。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科动物吗?
- You and I belong to different political camps. 你和我属于不同的政治阵营。
- Cup and dish belong to pottery Lei. 杯子和碟属于陶器类。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun. 这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
- No delay! We urgently need these books. 决不要拖延!我们急需这些书。
- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。
- I don't belong in the place like this. 待在像这样的地方不合我的身份。
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不过是一件样品而已。
- John Bulls belong to the white race. 英国人属于白色人种。
- One need an agile mind to solve puzzles. 解谜必须有机灵的头脑。
- The property should belong to me of right. 按照法律这笔财产应当属于我。
- Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby. 我们供给婴儿营养只需喂奶就够了。
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- China belongs to the Third World. 中国属于第三世界。
- You need to put more zing into your playing. 你在这一活动中需要再增加些干劲。