- Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科动物吗?
- John Bulls belong to the white race. 英国人属于白色人种。
- China belongs to the Third World. 中国属于第三世界。
- Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤杨属于桦木科。
- String beans belong to the pea family. 菜豆属于豌豆属植物。
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。
- The Library of Congress system, likewise, belongs to the turn of the century. 同样,国会图书馆分类体系也不过是在本世纪初出现的。
- Private members keep up their outward allegiance to the parties they belong to. 议员们对各自所属的党派保持表面上的忠诚。
- Access map to the Century Royal Hotel. 世纪皇家大酒店附近的交通地图。
- Dating all the way back to the turn of the century. 可以追溯到世纪之初。
- These blades belong to the food processor. 刀片是食品加工机的附件
- Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus. 狗、狼和土狼是同属。
- They belong to the same generation. 他俩同辈。
- Some of our neighbors belong to the synagogue. 我们的一些邻居属於犹太教。
- China belongs to the third world country. 中国属于第三世界国家。
- Most people belong to the three main races. 大多数人属于三大人种。
- As a writer,he really belongs to the 18th century. 作为作家,他其实是属于18世纪的。
- I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change. 我不属於激进派。
- The battle does not always belong to the strong. 胜利不一定都属于强者。
- These languages belong to the Latin family. 这些语言都是属于拉丁语族的。