- Be carefree in the world &lean on a railing at night. 逍遥世间,入夜凭栏。(猫猫用的是“萧遥”)
- But woman, at happy of time she would be carefree but smile, at sad of time she will cry bitterly sadly. 而女人呢,在开心的时候她会开怀而笑,在伤心的时候她会伤心的痛哭。
- Laying on a green carpet of grass, loosing oneself in the endless blue of the sky, flying with the birds, being carefree and light. 躺在嫩绿的草棚上,让自己释放在无边无际的蓝天上,同鸟儿一起飞翔,悠闲自在.
- Most Americans think of 13-year-old girls as being carefree -- watching movies, having sleepovers, discussing their first crush. 在大多数美国人看来,13岁的少女都是无忧无虑的,看玩电影,在同学家过夜,一起聊聊初次的爱恋。
- If one cannot forgive others from the bottom of his heart, he will never be carefree. 三六、一个人如果不能从内心去原谅别人,那他就永远不会心安理得。
- As long as you have fulfilled your duties, you will not have any apprehensions, you should be carefree. 只要把责任尽好,就什么罣碍都没有了。
- During "Kang Kang Sue Wol Lae" it is a very stress free time for women to be carefree. 祭祀结束后,在摆上宴席,高高兴兴的度过一天。
- Only when we have a virtuous person's integrity and resoluteness is it possible to be carefree. 唯有具备了君子的品格和毅力,才配谈洒脱。
- Laying on a green carpet of grass, loosing oneself in the endless blue of the sky, flying with the birds, being carefree and light... everyone knows such longings. 躺在嫩绿的草地上,让自己释放在无边无际的蓝天里,同鸟儿一起飞翔,悠闲自在......每个人都期望着这样的境界。
- I thought I was carefree, now I see it, my mama does better than me. 我一直以为自己洒脱的很,现在知道了,原来妈妈比我有魄力的多。
- My childhood was carefree, filled with the happiness of the rural boy. 我的童年是无忧无虑的,充满著庄脚囝仔的快乐。
- It's rather simple, but it's just that through a whimsical film, family and just being carefree was captured so WELL. 它很朴实,尽管影片的内容天马行空,但家庭以及孩子们的天真无邪又被捕捉的恰到好处。
- Beggars are carefree even when there are thieves about, simply because they have nothing valuable to lose or to be stolen. 乞丐不怕偷;穷光蛋不怕偷。
- Beggars are carefree even when there are thieves about,simply because they have nothing valuable to lose or to be stolen. 乞丐不怕偷;穷光蛋不怕偷。
- With the book supplies access road, we are carefree; treasure the book tells the Paradox motto, we have benefited from infinity. 带着书中获取的给养上路,我们无忧无虑;珍视书中诉说的隽语箴言,我们受益无穷。
- But a girl must act the role of the gentle and quiet cutie who listens, and she loses too many opportunities to be carefree and follow her inclinations. 而女孩子则要扮演文静乖巧听话的角色;失去了太多的自由自在和随心所欲.
- To be free as a bird -to be completely free. If someone has no responsibilities, their feelings are carefree and happy -- like a bird flying in the sky. 完全自由自在。如果一个人不用承担任何责任,他们会觉得无忧无虑、轻松愉快--就像在天空中飞翔的鸟儿一样。
- The desire to be carefree and happy are the driving forces throughout my life and I've got an appreciation for all the fine and beautiful things in the whole world. 对自由与快乐的追求是我生命的原动力,我欣赏和赞美这世界上一切美好的事物。
- The moment you hived off, I swear I won't weep for you. for I don't want you to bear any grief or get any of my downcast, i wanna set you free, to be carefree about me. 当你决定不告而别的刹间,我就发誓不再为你掉眼泪.因为不想你带着悲伤离开,因为不愿意让你看见失落的自己;
- Therefore, reasonable and consistent with the master design space to customary style, which allows her to be carefree and leisurely home, allowing self to be seen. 因此,合理的空间设计与符合主人欣赏习惯的风格,可以让人回到家中得以悠然自在,可以让自我得到体现。