- Look at that smoke; that buiding must be on fire. 看那些烟,那幢大楼一定是失火了。
- Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire. 看那股烟,那座大楼肯定着火了。
- In that case, the whole house would be on fire. 如果那样的话,整个房子就会着火。
- Look at that smoke, That buiding must be on fire. 看那些烟,那幢大楼一定是失火了。
- Fire engines came on the double when the house was on fire. 房子着火后,救火车很快就来了。
- The house was on fire last night and was burned down. 那幢房子昨晚着火了,被烧为平地。
- The grass was on fire for a short time. 草烧了一会儿。
- being on fire speed 起火速度
- Doctor my whole body seems to be on fire, I don't know what to do. 医生,我整个身体都火辣辣的,该怎么办啊!
- The aircraft made a forced landing because two of its engines were on fire. 飞机被迫着陆,因为飞机的发动机有两台起火。
- He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire. 他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣地疼痛。
- Could you stand idle when the house was on fire? 房子着了火,你能袖手旁观吗?
- The building has been on fire for an hour. 那栋楼着了一个小时的火了。
- The office block's upper floors were on fire. 办公楼的上面几层着火了。
- Soon the whole building was on fire. 整个大楼很快便都着火了。
- The house at the end of the street was on fire. 街另一头的房子着了火。
- The wet wood on the fire was on fire an hour ago. 一小时前在炉子上的湿木头着火了。
- The house was in flames,ie was on fire,burning. 房子失火了.
- One night, a fishery was on fire. 一天夜里,一个渔场烧着了。
- In desperation he jumped out of the window when he saw that the stairs were on fire. 当他看到楼梯着了火便不顾死活从窗口跳了出去。