- It is difficult to be natural when one is tense. 人在紧张的时候很难泰然自若。
- The speed of light turns out to be nature's speed limit. 光速原来是自然界的速度极限。
- He maybe do not know how should be nature and begins to stun. 他可能也不知道应该怎样才叫自然了,开始发呆。
- Children are natural exhibitionists. 儿童天生喜欢自我表现。
- Most first-class footballers are natural athletes. 多数一流的足球运动员都是天生的健将。
- Please don't stand on ceremony (ie Please be natural and relaxed) with me. 请勿拘礼。
- Are nature's faults, not their own infamy. 只能归咎于造化,不能归咎于自己。”
- Coal and oil are natural products. 煤和石油是天然物产。
- Tornados are nature's most violent storm. 龙卷风是最具破坏力的自然风暴。
- Observe breath. Let in be natural now. 专注于呼吸,让它变得自然。
- It'll be naturally a Feast for the Eyes. 自然就赏心悦目喽。
- This feeling seems to be natural. 这种感触似乎是自然的。
- Try to be natural, alert and interested. 尽量表现得自然、灵活,并且有兴趣。
- Don't oversell. Be natural,develop your own style. 不要过度推销自己。保持自然,独特的个人风格。
- Good products from the earth are nature's treasures. 物华天宝
- English sporting terms have been naturalized in many languages. 英语的运动术语已被多种语言采用。
- Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less. 她的疾病是天意在告诉她不要太劳累。
- We should be naturalized to the new tide of the world. 我们必须顺应新的世界潮流。
- The quality of being natural or based on natural principles. 自然界的性质或基于自然界原则的性质。
- His articles are natural and without embellishment. 他的文章不事雕琢,自然质朴。