- Less clear to me is how quickly people will accept the standards that are being set and begin to demand grid computing. 我不太清楚的是人们能够多快接受这个为实施网格计算而设置并启用的标准。
- And if Liddy can't do that, some in Congress may begin to demand someone who can. 如果李迪没有办法解决这个问题的话,国会的人可能会指定其它有能力的人去解决它。
- He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 他完全有权要求进行调查。
- What happens when factory workers begin to demand a more Western living standard, and miners balk at descending into industrial death traps? 当一个工厂工人开始向往更加优质的生活水准,而矿工的工作环境依然得不到改善的时候会发生什么?
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
- He had the impertinence to demand a raise. 他竟冒失地要求增加工资。
- I find his book begin to pall on me after a while. 我发觉他的书读过一阵子就开始对我失去吸引力。
- We begin to plumb the mysteries of the universe. 我们开始探索宇宙的奥秘。
- His sight have begin to deteriorate. 他的视力已经开始下降。
- Have oiled the machine, he begin to run it. 他把机器上了油之后便开始开动。
- House values may begin to slide. 房价可能开始逐渐下降了。
- Investors have begun to demand better terms for the high-yield loans and bonds at the heart of the leveraged deals. 投资者已开始要求更好的条件,为高产贷款和债券的心脏杠杆交易。
- From now on, I will begin to write my book. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。
- The participants began to match production to demand, reduce inventory levels, co-located vital resources and have fun doing it. 参与者开始逐渐满足生产要求,减少库存,共同分配重要资源并且在工作时充满着乐趣。
- Trees begin to have leaves in spring. 春天,树木开始长叶子了。
- Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。
- Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。
- Supply must be relative to demand. 供与求必须相适应。
- Let's begin to take count of the votes. 我们开始计算投票数吧。
- Then you are not going to demand any money of me? 那么您不要我的钱吗?