- Cruise earlier this month began shooting "Valkyrie", a film about a failed plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944, in which he portrays Nazi-resistance hero Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg. 克鲁斯于本月早些时候开始拍摄电影《刺杀希特勒》。这部影片讲述的是1944年密谋刺杀阿道夫·希特勒未遂的故事,克鲁斯在其中饰演一位德国反纳粹英雄史陶芬伯格上校。
- They're going to shoot a film here. 他们准备在这里拍摄一部影片。
- In the evening we went to see a film. 晚上我们去看了一场电影。
- We had a short intermission halfway through a film. 我们电影放映中途做了短暂的休息。
- A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface. 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜
- A film completes this evening's TV line-up. 今晚电视节目最後播映一部影片。
- He hadn't appeared in a film for thirteen years. 他已有十三年未在电影中露面了。
- It's a film of triangular love affair. 那是个三角恋爱的电影。
- They're queuing up to see a film. 他们排著队等候看电影。
- Her ambition was to become a film star. 她一心追求的是做电影明星。
- The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions. 战士们开始不断地向敌人的阵地射击。
- The mirror is covered with a film of dust. 镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。
- Her greatest desire was to make good at a film actress. 她最大的理想是当一名成功的演员。
- "Goodfellas" said Jung Woo-sung said that his new film will begin shooting early next year, but declined to disclose details of the reservations of suspense. “好家伙”郑宇成也表示说自己的新片明年初将会开拍,不过却保留悬念不肯透露细节。
- She is bent on becoming a film star when she grows up. 她一心想长大后当一名影星。
- Someone proposed a concert, others proposed a film show. 有人建议举办音乐会,另外一些人则建议放映电影。
- If I had some time off this afternoon, I'd like to see a film. 如果今天下午能休息,我真想去看场影。
- Ferrand: Listen, it's very simple. We'll stop and begin shooting again when you find me a cat who knows how to act! 听着这非常简单,我们停下来当你找到一只知道怎么演戏的猫再重新拍。
- Photographs preceding day, Xie Jin inspects actually flies into a rage, does not permit to begin shooting. 拍摄前一天,谢晋来检查却大发雷霆,不准开拍。
- He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan. 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关于日本的影片。