- He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms. 他认为向他人乞求救济是耻辱。
- Here was a very stingy person who never practiced spiritually. Since he also never gave charity, he was very much afraid of monks coming to beg for alms. 有一个人很吝啬,从来没有修行什么,因为他从不布施,所以最怕和尚来向他托钵。
- From my youth to old age, I have yet to see the righteous forsaken or their children begging for alms. 我作过幼童,现今已经年老,从未见过正义的人被弃掉。也未见过他的后裔行乞讨。
- Beg for alms from house to house 沿门托钵
- The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
- He lined his pockets with some silver. Begging for alms would certainly not earn him that much. 他的口袋里有了一些沉甸甸的银元,这是平常化缘时很难得到的。
- After this, he spent years begging for alms and then hewed out a cave shrine on Mount Sanwei. Thus was born the first cave shrine of Dunhuang. 于是,他长年化缘募捐,在这里开凿了一个石窟,设置佛龛,敦煌第一座石窟寺乃应运而生。
- One day a lame Taoist priest came begging for alms and professes to have specialized in curing diseased due to retribution. "忽然这日有个跛足道人来化斋;口称专治冤业之症.;"
- In thirst the infant's tongue cleaves to the roof of its mouth. Children are begging for alms, but there is no one to help them. 幼童饥饿求食,却无人分给他们。
- I beg for you to come back to me. 拜托你回到我身边来。
- We cannot calculate on his for alms support. 我们不能指望她对我的施舍。
- The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。
- It must be very degrading to have to beg for money. 必须向别人乞讨钱一定是非常可耻的。
- He wants to see them beg for mercy. 他想亲眼看着他们求饶。
- I would rather die than beg for his help. 我宁可死也不去乞求他的帮助。
- Oh, you both better beg for mercy, sucka! 你们俩准备向我求饶吧。
- Is it forbidden to beg for money? 乞讨在这里是被禁止的吗?
- Young macaques learning to beg for a living. 小猕猴懂得向途人讨食。
- Good sir, I beg for mercy and beg your pardon. 仁慈的先生,我乞求你的饶恕和原谅。
- One day, his aunt came to beg for forgiveness. 一日,密勒日巴的姑母前来祈求原谅。