- before you can say Jack knife 马上;立即
- before you can say Jack Robinson 转眼间
- And why was it, he asked again, that anything remotely secret whipped around the entire company before you could say Jack Knife? 他接着又问,为什么一有小道消息就不胫而走,一转眼传遍全公司?
- Or you can say history repeat itself. 或者说也可以说,历史经常重演。
- before you could say Jack knife 马上;立即
- If you memorize a poem, you can say it without looking at a book. 你若记住一首诗,不看书就能脱口而出。
- You can say farewell to seaside holidays as we once knew them. 我们熟悉的海滨假日已可谓一去不复返了。
- The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room. 待房间的灰泥乾後才可粉刷。
- The caster in the ceiling have to plastered up before you can start painting. 在你油漆天花板之前,先得先用灰泥把裂缝填塞起来。
- You've got to discard before you can pick up another card. 你得先打出一张牌,才能拿另一张牌。
- You can say:I have no pets now, but I petted dogs before. 我现在没有宠物,但我曾经有养过狗。
- You must connect up the cells before you can get any current. 你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。
- You can say that TV makes people lazy. 你可以说电视使人变得懒惰。
- You can say English or Spanish, it's up to you. 由你来决定,由你说了算。
- As I walked into the kitchen,the cat jumped out of the window before you could say Jack Robinson. 当我走进厨房时,那只猫突然从窗口跳了出去。
- You can say that life is not eternal. 也可以说生命不会永恒。
- As I walked into the kitchen the cat jumped out of the window before you could say Jack Robinson. 当我走进厨房时,那只猫突然从窗口跳了出去。
- To agree with a suggestion, you can say OK. 要表示同意某项建议,你。
- I'll be back before you can blink(= very quickly). 我眨眼工夫就回来。
- You can say anything you like here. 在这里,你想说什么就可以说什么。