- Estimated to have originated before the 7th century, the hudhud - comprised of some 40 episodes - often take three or four days to recite. 据估计圣歌出现于7世纪之前,由40个篇章组成的圣歌通常需要3至4天才能吟诵完毕。
- before the 7th century 公元七世纪前
- One bright cultural spot in the 7th century was Christian Spain. 七世纪的文化繁荣地区是基督教统治的西班牙。
- Rice production was probably introduced into Egypt in the 7th Century. 稻谷生产可能是在第七世纪引进埃及的。
- An ancient city in southeastern Greece; dominated the Peloponnese in the 7th century BC. 希腊东南部的一个古城;公元前世纪统治了伯罗奔尼撒半岛。
- New Luo and the Bohai Sea country after Korea has had to the beginning of the 10th century in the 7th century. 7世纪到10世纪初朝鲜曾有过后新罗和渤海国。
- After the 7th century Sambo gripped has created Tibetan, hides the pharmacy to have the rapid development. 当7世纪桑布扎创造了藏文以后,藏药学有了飞速的发展。
- Tibetan Buddhism, also called LAMAISM, distinctive form of Buddhism that evolved from the 7th century AD in Tibet. 藏传佛教,也称为喇嘛教,是与众不同的佛教,发展于公元七世纪的西藏。
- Islam, which came to China as early as the 7th Century, “is central to the silk road story,” he says. 他说,早在7世纪就传到中国的伊斯兰教是“丝绸之路故事的中心内容”。
- The former winter home of the Dalai Lama has symbolized Tibetan Buddhism since the 7th century. 达赖喇嘛的前冬季居所从公元7世纪开始就一直都是藏传佛教的象征。
- Islam was the product of the political and economic development in the Arabian Peninsular in the 7th century. 伊斯兰教的产生是7世纪阿拉伯半岛政治、经济发展的产物。
- Almost everyone is familiar with the 7th century classic the Kama Sutra, a Tantric treatise on lovemaking. 几乎每个人都熟悉公元7世纪经典卡马经,密宗伤寒论性爱。
- The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。
- The Chinese Began their sophisticated production of pottery in the Neolithic period and produced porcelain as early as the 7th century AD. 中国人在新石器时代就已经开始制作复杂的陶瓷,并在公元7世纪开始制作瓷器。
- Historical documents prove that the peoples of the Philippines and China have enjoyed extensive economic ties as early as the 7th century. 据历史文献记载,菲律宾与中国早在公元7世纪就有广泛的经济联系。
- I want to catch forty wink before the guest arrive. 我想在客人到达之前,先打个盹儿。
- Had already produced the high quality steel in the 12th century B.C., Produced the plain tool steel of carbon in the 7th century B.C. 西元前12世纪已生产出优质钢铁,西元前7世纪生产了碳素工具钢。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- The courtiers cringed before the Queen. 朝臣们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。
- The massive and tall tower of the Buddhist temple of Buddh Gaya, which was in existence in the 7th century, represents the culmination of Gupta temple architecture. 菩提迦耶的佛寺那魅伟和崇高的塔是存于于公元七世纪,代表着笈多时期庙宇建筑的顶点。