- She swept the bottles from her bedside table. 他把瓶子从旁边的桌子上清理干净。
- Alice Harford: Isn't it on the bedside table? 艾丽丝哈福德:没在床边的桌子上吗?
- You have a phone on the bedside table that you can use. 床边的桌子上有一支电话你可以使用。
- This is your bedside table for such things as toilet articles. 这是床头柜,您可以放洗漱用具等。
- Ring the bell on the bedside table if anything is needed. 如果需要什么的话,请按床头柜上的铃。
- After Ms. Smith rings the bell on the bedside table, the bellboy comes in . 史密斯小姐按床边的铃,随后服务员进来。
- After Ms. Smith rings the bell on the bedside table ,the bellboy comes in . 史密斯小姐按床边的铃,随后服务员进来。
- Can be completed with MALM bedside table, to be mounted on the headboard. 可搭配马尔姆床边桌使用,安装在床头板上。
- The alarm clock rings on the bedside table every morning at 7 o' clock. 每天早晨7 点,闹钟在我的床头柜上闹响。
- He is afraid of waking up late, so he always has an alarm on his bedside table. 他怕睡过头,总是在床头小几上放一个闹钟。
- After Ms. Smith rings the bell on the bedside table , the bellboy comes in . 史密斯小姐按床边的铃,随后服务员进来。
- After Ms. Smith rings the bell on the bedside table , the bellboy comes in. 史密斯小姐按床边的铃,随后服务员进来。
- The sick old lady feebly reached for the medicine on her bedside table. (那个生病的老女士虚弱地伸手去拿床边柜上的药。)
- My mother is nice and she can read. There were piles of books on her bedside table, and the room was full of flowers. 我母亲真好,她会看书,床边桌上堆看许多书,屋里四面也摆满了花。”
- I also have a lamp next to my bed on the bedside table so I sometimes can read in bed. 我的床旁边的床头柜上有一盏台灯,所以有时我会在床上看书。
- I swung the bedside table into position next to Tom's bed and planted down the tiny morphine bottle. 我将床头桌移到汤姆的床边,然后将装吗啡的小瓶子放在上面。
- But his father's lighter is no longer on the bedside table, and already in his mind, he can hear the screams. 但放在他床头柜上的,他父亲的打火机却不见了,于是,他脑海里已经响起了小精灵的尖叫声。
- Langdon still felt fuzzy. A visitor? His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table. 兰登此时还是感到迷迷糊糊的,访客?他现在双眼聚焦在了床边的一张褶皱了的宣传册子上。
- Their bedroom has twin beds a dresser a bedside table with a lamp and two chairs. 他们的卧室有两张床,一个梳妆台,一个上面放一盏台灯的床头柜和两把椅子。
- N: Here is the call light. Push this button when you want help. The bedside table is for your toilet articles. Please don't put any valuables here. 这个是呼叫器,如果你需要帮助的话请按这个按纽。床头柜里可以放些洗漱用具,不要放贵重的物品。