- Can you give me a bed for the night? 你能给我安置一个床铺过夜吗?
- Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor. 不要替我操心床铺的事。我就睡在地板上好了。
- The above is an ideal condition for meditation. 上面是关于做冥想的理想条件。
- It is very suitable for meditation and relexation. 非常适合静坐、放松。
- After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之後已卧床一星期了。
- After the traffic accident he lay in bed for two weeks. 车祸后他在床上躺了两个星期。
- Take this medicine every fours hour and stay in bed for two day. 每隔四小时服用这些药,卧床休息两天。
- Except for meditation, there seems to be no other way. 除了打坐,似乎别无他法。
- It is a day for meditation and for radiating Loving-Kindness. 这是一个冥想的日子和散发慈爱的日子。
- They made up a bed for me on the sofa. 他们给我在沙发上铺好被褥当作床.
- Come visit, we'll find a bed for you. 来玩吧,我们会给你提供住宿的。
- An oblong basketlike bed for an infant. 婴儿睡篮一种婴儿用的长方形象篮子状的床
- She lay down on her bed for half an hour. 她在床上躺了约半小时。
- The mother made the bed for the sleepy child. 母亲为瞌睡的孩子铺床。
- But he was gone by the time I got up for meditation at four in the morning. 后来好久了,早上四点起来打坐时,才没再见到祂。
- A man was walled up in his bed for years. 这个人多年卧床不起了。
- He has been ill and confined to bed for years. 他多年卧病在床。
- He was obliged to remain in bed for a week. 他不得不卧床一周。
- John was confined to bed for a week with his cold. 约翰因感冒卧床一周。
- I will put some clean sheets on the bed for you. 我将给你铺上干净的床单。