- He's become very high and mighty since he get that new job. 他自从得到了那份新工作後就变得神气活现。
- He's become very high and mighty since he got that new job. 他自从得到了那份新工作後就变得神气活现。
- He's become very high and mighty since he got that new job 他自从得到了那份新工作后就变得神气活现
- become very high and mighty 变得神气活现
- There's no need to be/get so high and mighty with me! 用不著对我摆架子!
- Anna thinks something of herself. She's getting too high and mighty for me. 安娜自以为了不起,她变得越来越高傲,我简直受不了。
- He acts so high and mighty; I despise him! 他那么趾高气扬,我真瞧不起他!
- Mr. Figg is always acting high and mighty. 菲格先生总是很傲慢。
- Don't act so all-fired high and mighty. 不要表现出一副高高在上的样子。
- He is always acting high and mighty. 他总是很傲慢。
- She is a bit high and mighty at times. 有时,她有点神气活现的。
- Look here, Lily, don't take that high and mighty tone with me. 你听着,丽莉!别跟我摆架子!
- Mr Darcy's not half as high and mighty as you sometimes. 达西先生有时候可没有你这么高傲强硬。
- Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。
- He's too high and mighty to mix with ordinary people like us! 看他趾高气扬的样子,不会跟我们这些普通人混在一起的!
- Hah! Did you hear that? Hoth apologizes! The high and mighty comes crawling! 哈!你听到了吗?豪斯道歉了!这个高傲有权势的人终于屈服了!
- The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant. 整个市中心区有着一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安。
- The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed. 那些信号用非常快但几乎不变的速度来回传送。
- "If the phone bill becomes very high due to m-commerce payments, the telecoms company is starting to take on credit risk. They are starting to become a bank," says Nalle Kivemaki, the chief executive of Finland's Wireless Commerce. 芬兰无线商务公司总经理诺尔 - 基韦梅基说:“如果因移动商务支付而使电话账单上的金额变得十分巨大,电信公司承担的信贷风险就会增加。 它们会逐渐变成一家银行。”
- A very high mountain overlook the town. 一座高高的山俯瞰着城镇。