- They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。
- King Jie became suspicious and imprisoned hin, but set him free not long after. 桀大概是起了疑心,把他抓去关了一阵,没多久又放了他。
- Patients and their families were asked to recall when they first noticed a spot on their skin from which the melanoma later deeloped, and when they noticed the mole had changed or become suspicious. 患者和他们的家人被要求回忆何时他们第一次发现黑色素瘤发起的那个斑点出现在皮肤上,已经何时他们注意到痣发生改变或者变得可疑。
- When his wife blushed he became suspicious, and demanded, "Have you been fooling around on me? 妻子脸红了,丈夫怀疑了,问道,“你是不是有外遇?
- This caused an uproar in the community, and the public became suspicious of transgenic food. 这一结论立即引起轰动,公众对转基因食品的安全性由此产生怀疑。
- In 2002 accounting sleuths and short-sellers became suspicious of Fannie's smoothly growing earnings. 2002年,会计专家和卖空者对房利美稳定增长的收益产生怀疑。
- Bobby becomes suspicious of Grace's relationship with Tom after Tom coincidentally shows up during a camping trip. 波比与姬丝一同参加天文露营,汤假装巧合地出现令波比开始怀疑母亲与他的关系。
- The music detective became suspicious about Bachs work when he was a teenaged student at the Royal Academy of Music in London. 当贾维斯十几岁在伦敦皇家音乐学院上学时,就对巴赫的作品产生了怀疑。
- Tales say that after centuries of partnership, Geddon became suspicious of Garr and felt the elemental sought both halves of the talisman. 传说无数世纪的合作后,迦顿男爵怀疑加尔企图得到禁锢之颅的两部分。
- The Guardia di Finanza became suspicious when responsibility for the orders passed to a Chinese company, and alerted ministry officials. 在订单责任转给一家中国公司后,意大利金融警察机构产生了怀疑,该机构向经济发展部官员发出了警报。
- Booth stayed in Garrett's house until their host's sons became suspicious and made the two men sleep in the tobacco barn. 布思就在加雷特的家里住了下来。有一天,主人的几个儿子开始怀疑他们的身份,于是让他们到存放烟叶的谷仓里面去睡。
- Serrano filed the lawsuit in 2003 after she became suspicious of her diagnosis and had herself tested at another hospital. 萨拉诺在对自己的诊断提出怀疑并在另一家医院进行了检查后,于2003年提起诉讼。
- In this age, there are no longer any pedestalled icons.The so-called realism of photography becomes suspicious when contracted with this unreal word. 这个时代已经不再有高高早上的圣像了,所谓摄影的真实存在感在这个不真实的世界的反衬下,早就变得面目可疑了。
- As a result of these late hours, Lesley became suspicious of Jeff's after hours activities.She accused him of making her part of a love triangle. 由于经常工作到很晚,莱斯利开始怀疑杰夫工作之余的活动,她指责他让她成了三角爱情的一部分。
- After Sejanus became coconsul in 31, Tiberius became suspicious of his ambition and executed him, then named Caligula his heir. 31年塞扬努斯成为执政官后,提比略怀疑其野心,并将起处死,指定卡利古拉为其继承人。
- Osborn told The Sun he initially agreed to take his wife back but decided more drastic measures were needed after he again became suspicious. 奥斯伯恩告诉太阳报,他起先同意接纳他的妻子,但是在他再次起疑心时,决定采取更加极端的措施。
- Saco said his brother Lee, the store’s co-owner, became suspicious Monday when the boy tried to buy soda, flour and doughnuts with his mother’s expired credit card. 山姆说他的弟弟利,酒店的另一合作伙伴,怀疑该男孩的行为,该男孩于星期一想要用他母亲过期的信用卡买一些苏打水,面粉和油炸圈饼。
- Teachers became suspicious only when Brown turned up for just one day of classes last week. Her cheque for $134.50 towards her cheerleading uniform also bounced. 当布朗上周只上一天的课时,老师们才心生疑窦。她用来支付啦啦队制服的134.;5美元支票也跳票。
- Doctors first became suspicious about cholesterol, particularly the cholesterol in diet, when they looked inside the diseased arteries of heart attack victims. 医生们开始怀疑胆固醇,尤其是食品来源的胆固醇,是因为他们观察心脏病患者的病态动脉时发现了一些疑点。
- Pfizer denies that it acted improperly, but the catastrophe helps to explain why people in Kano became suspicious of the polio vaccine several years later. Pfizer否认自己行为不当,但是这场灾难有助于解释卡诺的人们为什么对数年之后的脊髓灰质疫苗持有疑心。