- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。
- She had an eye for the beauty of nature. 她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。
- She hasn't much feeling for the beauty of nature. 她对大自然的美缺少鉴赏力。
- You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。
- There is no describing the beauty of the scene. 谁都无法形容这景色的美丽。
- Elizabeth was endowed with the beauty of Helen of Troy. 伊利莎白天生具有特洛伊城的海伦的丽质。
- Her mind was a turmoil of emotions. 她心里百感交集。
- The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment. 我们被美丽的景色迷住了。
- The literary beauty of Andersen's fairy tales and the aesthetic ability of children mingle with each building a piece of reading scenery of emotion and poetic flavor. 安徒生童话丰富的文学美感与孩子们天然的感应能力相交织,构成了动人的、富诗意的阅读景观。
- A blend of emotions fermented inside her. 她百感交集,激动不已。
- The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. 日出的美景难以描述。
- I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 我仍然为湖泊的自然美所吸引。
- Absence of emotions like remorse and sympathy. 缺乏如悔恨和同情等情感。
- The beauty of it is that everyone can play. 它的妙处在於每个人都可以玩。
- A vacuity of taste;a vacuity of emotions. 鉴赏力缺乏;激情的缺乏
- Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 语言难以描述那景色之美丽。
- The purpose of art is the arousal of emotions. 艺术的目的是情感的觉醒。
- The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。
- You orchestrate this release of emotions. 听众不想被强迫,他们只需要一个机会。
- The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside. 这条高速公路破坏了农村的田园美景。