- There are still factionalists around as well as newly emerging elements who engage in beating,smashing and looting. 派性分子还存在,新生的打砸抢分子也有的是。
- There are still factionalists around as well as newly emerging elements who engage in beating, smashing and looting. 派性分子还存在。新生的打砸抢分子也有的是。
- Those who rose to prominence by following Lin Biao,Jiang Qing and their like in "rebellion",those who are strongly factionalist in their ideas and those who engaged in beating,smashing and looting must never be promoted -- not a single one of them. 跟随林彪、江青一伙造反起家的人,帮派思想严重的人,打砸抢分子,绝对不能提上来,一个也不能提上来,已经在领导岗位上的,必须坚决撤下去。
- We must never assign important posts to persons who have engaged in beating,smashing and looting,who have been obsessed by factionalist ideas,who have sold their souls by framing innocent comrades,or who disregard the Party's vital interests. 对于那些搞打砸抢的、帮派思想严重的、出卖灵魂陷害同志的、连党的最关紧要的利益都不顾的人,决不能重用。
- Some comrades worry that in promoting young and middle-aged cadres we might select some factionalists or even some individuals who engaged in beating,smashing and looting during the "cultural revolution". 有些同志担心,在提拔中青年干部的时候,也许会把一些帮派分子甚至打砸抢分子选上来。
- Whoever causes a person's injury, disability or death as result of assembling a crowd for "beating, smashing and looting"is to be convicted and punished according to regulations in articles 234 and 232 of this law. 聚众“打砸抢”,致人伤残、死亡的,依照本法第二百三十四条、第二百三十二条的规定定罪处罚。
- Those who rose to prominence by following Lin Biao, Jiang Qing and their like in "rebellion", those who are strongly factionalist in their ideas and those who engaged in beating, smashing and looting must never be promoted -- not a single one of them. 跟随林彪、江青一伙造反起家的人,帮派思想严重的人,打砸抢分子,绝对不能提上来,一个也不能提上来,已经在领导岗位上的,必须坚决撤下去。
- We must never assign important posts to persons who have engaged in beating, smashing and looting, who have been obsessed by factionalist ideas, who have sold their souls by framing innocent comrades, or who disregard the Party's vital interests. 对于那些搞打砸抢的、帮派思想严重的、出卖灵魂陷害同志的、连党的最关紧要的利益都不顾的人,决不能重用。
- Some comrades worry that in promoting young and middle-aged cadres we might select some factionalists or even some individuals who engaged in beating, smashing and looting during the "cultural revolution". 有些同志担心,在提拔中青年干部的时候,也许会把一些帮派分子甚至打砸抢分子选上来。
- He's never been known to carry a gun. Smash and grab is his line. 大家都知道他从不带枪,他专干打碎橱窗进店抢劫的事。
- We must be cautious,because the hard-core elements of the Gang of Four and those who engaged in beating,smashing and looting during the 我们可要谨慎,“四人帮”的骨干分子和打砸抢分子,他们的能耐之一就是吹呀,捧呀,实用主义呀,有利的事情就干哪,可相当灵活哩!
- The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting. 侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。
- persons who engaged in beating, smashing and looting (these latter, of course, are not likely to be among the high-ranking cadres, for the Gang of Four employed lackeys to do such things and to act as secret agents or informers within our ranks); 搞打砸抢的(当然不一定是大干部,“四人帮”用了那么一些“小螃蟹”,专门搞打砸抢,还搞特务活动,安“钉子”);
- Anarchy and looting enveloped Mosul yesterday. 摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。
- He wanted to swear and to smash and to murder. 他真恨不得要破口大骂,要捣毁这个地方,要杀人。
- Acts of smashing and grabbing are strictly forbidden. 严禁打砸抢。
- EU leaders have in effect condoned Russia's smash and grab. 欧盟领导人实际上是宽恕了俄国的打砸抢。
- The robbers broke in and looted the bank. 强盗们破门而入抢劫了银行。
- They broke in and looted the warehouse. 他们破门而入抢劫了仓库。
- The gate was smashed and fire spread wildly. 城门歪斜了,火苗狂舞。