- Her performance beat the others all hollow. 她的演出远远胜过其余的节目(她的演出使其余的节目大见逊色)。
- He beat all runners in the country. 他赛跑成绩全国第一。
- These chocolate eggs are all hollow. 这些巧克力蛋都是空心的。
- John can beat us all hollow at computer in our class. 在计算机方面,约翰在我们班胜过我们所有人。
- beaten all hollowv. 胜过(超过;打得落花流水)
- beat all hollowvt. 胜过(超过;打得落花流水)
- A marketing team that beat all the competitors to the punch. 某销售组织先于其竞争者做出了重大行动
- What he said is all hollow promise. 他所说的都是空洞的诺言。
- He beat all competition in the elections. 他在一系列竞选活动中击败了所有竞争者。
- The heavy rain beat all the crops down. 大雨毁坏了所有的农作物。
- Yes,the bronze animals around the platform are all hollow. 平台周围用青铜铸成的动物都是中空的。
- The bronze-animals around the platform are all hollow. 周围青铜铸成的动物都是中空的。
- Rain drummed against the windshield; The drums beat all night. 雨水敲打着挡风玻璃;这面鼓敲打了一晚上。
- She has beaten all her major rivals over the last two years. 在过去的两年里,她击败了所有的主要对手。
- The rug is too dirty, you should beat all the dust out of it. 这块地毯太脏了,你应该把上面的灰拍掉。
- Rain drummed against the windshield. The drums beat all night. 雨水敲打着挡风玻璃。 这面鼓敲打了一晚上。
- Do you think there'll be a time when we can beat all diseases? 你认为将来我们会不会有战胜所有疾病的时候。
- He beat all the other competitors and won the first prize. 他打败了所有竞争者,赢得了比赛的第一名。
- Class One beat all the other classes and won the match. 一班打败了其他所有的班级并赢得了比赛的胜利。
- The marketing team that beat all the competitors to the punch. 销售组织先于其竞争者做出了重大行动。