- He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit. 他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。
- I hope your hard work will bear fruit. 我希望你的辛勤劳动会有成果。
- The good work of this year will continue to bear fruit. 本年度的出色工作将继续产生良好的效果。
- They will bud and blossom and bear fruit. 它们将萌芽,开花和结果。
- What you do to others will bear fruit in you. 你如何对待别人,别人也会如何对待你。
- That bear fruit with the seed in it. 生的果实带种籽。
- These trees began to bear fruit in 1958. 这些树1958年开始结果子。
- The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit. 结果实结果的过程、时间或条件
- After blossoming, it will soon bear fruit. 开花后,不久就结果。
- Peach trees have already begun to bear fruit. 桃树木已开始结桃了。
- Will Mr Obama's rousing oratory bear fruit? 奥巴马振奋人心的演说会取得成果么?
- Not bearing fruit or offspring; barren. 不结果实的; 无效的不产生果实或后代的; 不育的
- His efforts finally bore fruit and permission was granted. 他的努力终於有了结果,请求得到了批准。
- I am sure the initiative you have taken today will bear fruit. 我相信各位今天所采取的新措施会发挥其成效。
- But Jiao Yulu didn't live to see his plans bear fruit. 但是焦裕禄没能活着到他的计划开花结果。
- The Bible rebukes a believer who fails to bear fruit. 因此不结果子在圣经中是一件严重的事.
- bear fruit; fructify; fruit setting; fruition 坐果
- Their research project haven't borne fruit. 他们的研究课题还未取得成果。
- Their research project haven' t borne fruit. 他们的研究课题还未取得成果。
- Our years of effort has finally borne fruit now. 我们多年的努力现在终于开花结果了。