- Every able-bodied man is expected to bear arms against the enemy. 每个身强力壮的男人都应拿起武器杀敌。
- Every able - bodied man is expected to bear arms against the enemy. 每个身强力壮的男人都应拿起武器杀敌。
- Every able- bodied man is expected to bear arms against the enemy. 每个身强力壮的男人都应拿起武器杀敌。
- He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. 他强迫在公海上被俘的我们的同胞武装起来反对自己的国家,充当残杀自己亲人和朋友的刽子手,或者死于自己亲人朋友之手。
- All of the colonies are up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- All of the colonies were up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- Washingtonians are allowed to keep and bear arms. 华盛顿人获准拥有和携带枪支。
- They found all mankind in open arms against them. 他们发现全人类都公开反对他们。
- In case of need, we must bear arms. 我们必须携带武器,以备不时之需。
- He bumped his arm against the desk. 他把手臂撞在书桌上了。
- He has taken away our right to keep and bear arms. 他剥夺了我们拥有和携带武器的权利。
- He is up in arms against this idea. 他强烈反对这个主意。
- We must arm against the pestilence. 我们必须预防疫病。
- They were up in arms against French aggression. 他们拿起武器抵抗法国侵略。
- People were up in arms against the invaders. 人民拿起武器反抗侵略者。
- The peasants took up arms against the dictator. 农民们拿起武器反抗独裁者。
- We will take up arms against the invading forces. 我们会拿起武器,抵抗侵略势力。
- After two days of fighting only ninety could still bear arms. 两天战斗之后,只有90人能继续扛枪战斗。
- Finally people rose up in arms against him. 最后,人们拿起武器反抗他。
- The right of the people to keep and bear Arms not to be infringed. 人们持有枪支的权利不得被侵犯。