- Naturally they will have to bear all the consequences. 当然他们得承担一切后果。
- You should be responsible for all the consequences. 你应当为这一切后果承担责任。
- Have no fear. I'll bear all the responsibility. 你放心吧,一切由我担待。
- Failing this, they will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. 要是做不到这一点,他们必须对由此产生的后果负责。
- The Russian government has criticized the move, saying it will not benefit bilateral relations, and Tbilisi will have to bear all of the consequences. 俄国政府对此举进行了谴责,表示此举不会对双边关系产生有利影响,并且第比利斯应承担所有后果。
- You must bear full responsibility for all the consequences arised therefrom. 由此而引起的一切后果必须由你方承担全部责任。
- It took eight cars to bear all the guests away. 用了八辆轿车才把所有的客人送走(载运走)。
- You must bear full responsibility for all the consequences arised therefrom . 由此而引起的一切后果必须由你方承担全部责任。
- I'll bear all the responsibility. 一切责任由我承当。
- You shall bear all the transportation cost of the goods. 货物的一切运输费用应该由你方负担。
- It was your idea so now you have to accept all the consequences. 这是你出的主意,所以现在你就要承担一切后果。
- The shelf, too weak to bear all the books, collapsed. 架子太不结实了,无法负荷所有的书,就被压塌了。
- They must be held fully responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. 他们必须对由此产生的后果负完全的责任。
- We bear all the charges up to the time the goods is on the hook. 我们负担货物挂越过船舷之前的一切费用。
- We bear all the charges up to the time toe goods is on the hook. 我们负担货物挂上吊之前的一切费用。
- Smoke fewer cigarettes! Who can bear all the smoke in the room? 你们少抽点烟,满屋子的烟气谁受得了。
- Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. 由此产生的一切后果由你方负责。
- You will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from. 你要对此产生的后果负责!
- Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from. 你方要对此完全负责!
- He levels down all the incongruities of life and then suffers the consequences. 他降至所有生命之不可调和的程度,遭受着这一结果。