- beancurd with winter mushrooms 冬菇豆腐
- Escargot with winter mushroom soup 蜗牛配以冬季蘑菇沙司
- red-fried vegetarian pork with winter mushroom 冬菇扣肉
- Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. 前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。
- Then how about these two dishes,"fried mushrooms and bamboo shoots" and "beancurd with hot pepper"? 那么,香菇笋片和麻辣豆腐,这两道菜可以吗?
- Dried beancurd with hot flavor and Tou Szu style. 精选黄豆制成,具传统风味。成份:黄豆、糖、盐、食用香料等,
- The troops have been issued with winter clothing. 部队已发了冬装。
- Kung-pao chicken,Beancurd with pepper and chilli sauce. 宫爆鸡丁、麻婆豆腐。
- I would also suggest Beancurd with pepper and chili sauce. 我还建议您点个麻婆豆腐。
- Then how about these two dishes, "fried mushrooms and bamboo shoots" and "beancurd with hot pepper"? 那么,香菇笋片和麻辣豆腐,这两道菜可以吗?
- With winter coming on, it is getting colder and colder day by day. 冬天慢慢到来,天气也一天比一天冷了起来。
- winter mushroom and beancurd skin 冬菇白菜
- Spring has been playing Boxand Cox with winter for months past. 前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。
- So, what does this have to do with winter tornadoes? 那这又跟冬天的龙卷风有什么关系呢?
- With winter coming on, its time to buy warm clothes. 随着冬天来临,是买暖和衣服的时候了。
- Heat l tsp olive oil to stir-fry shallot, then add winter mushroom, tomato and chicken pieces. Saute until done. 最后加入苦瓜,以中火再炒拌至所有材料熟透即可。
- Remove shells from bamboo shoots, cook until done and cut into strips. Soak winter mushrooms in water until soft, remove stems and squeeze out any excess water. 用2汤匙油将双冬先炒过,再放入所有材料烧入味,汤汁收至稍乾即可盛出。
- The relationship between them with winter SSTA over North Pacific is examined. 分析了这3个区域夏季降水的年际、年代变化与北太平洋冬季海表温度异常的关系。
- winter mushroom and beancurd skin | winter mushroom and Chinese cabbage 冬菇白菜
- So I came adoring the crescent, not the full harvest moon, with winter over the horizon and its waning to a husk. 所以我怀着对新月的崇拜来到这里,那新月不是金秋时节的圆月,而是冬临大地时的一弯弦月。