- Changes like that should be welcomed by all of us. 这种变是值得大家欢迎的。
- His Holiness Pope John Paul II was welcomed by the crowd. 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人群的欢迎。
- Otherwise, they will not be welcomed by the civilian units. 你不在军队里创造条件,到地方上就不受欢迎。
- Otherwise,they will not be welcomed by the civilian units. 不在军队里创造条件的话,他们到地方上就不会受欢迎。
- The gradual and piecemeal change was welcomed by most people. 这种一点一点渐进的改变受到大多数人的欢迎。
- He was welcomed by a volley of curses. 他受到大家的齐声咒骂。
- His assumption of power was welcomed by everyone. 他的当权为大家所欢迎。
- His assumption of office was welcomed by everyone. 他的到职为大家所欢迎。
- The wise choice was welcomed by people. 这一明智的抉择受到了人们的欢迎。
- The changes were welcomed by everybody. 这些变动皆大欢喜。
- The flush of rainwater was welcomed by the farmers. 倾泻的雨水正是农夫们梦寐以求的。
- Refined handicrafts are welcomed by foreign guests. 精致的手工艺品深受外宾欢迎。
- The exquisite handicrafts were welcomed by foreigners. 这些精美的手工艺品赢得了外国顾客的欢迎。
- While the book will be welcomed by scholars,it will make an immediate appeal to the general readers. 当这本书被学者欢迎的同时,它将立即引起普通读者的兴趣。
- Poverty in the third world is still rife, but rising incomes there should be welcomed by all. 第三世界国家,虽然仍很贫穷,但条件的改善对全世界都有好处。
- But while a few ladybirds may be welcomed by the gardener, a couple of million would not. 但是 , 虽然有少数瓢虫可能是欢迎的园丁,几万元不会。
- Everybody assembled in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. 每个人都到大厅里集合,在那里他们受到书记的欢迎。
- On arrival at the Town Hall, the queen was welcomed by the Mayor. 到达市政厅时,女王受到市长的欢迎。
- We are welcomed by Jianhao Chen, my current classmate at Maryland. 当时的未来同班同学(现在是同学)--陈剑豪抽空接侍我们。
- Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been welcomed by a rapturous Camp Nou. 伊布拉希莫维奇在诺坎普受到了如斯疯狂的欢迎。