- be tainted with bad habits 沾染坏习气
- The administration was tainted with scandal. 丑闻使得政府声名狼藉。
- Davor Suker, Hui-Min Zhao Bingbing's natural son, being trafficked, and found a few years already tainted with a lot of bad habits. 苏克、赵惠敏的亲生儿子兵兵被拐卖了,过几年找到时已经沾染了很多坏习惯。
- Their relationship was tainted with envy on both sides. 双方关系由于相互嫉妒而遭破坏。
- The retriever,on the other hand,an immature dog with bad habits,was excited by all the changes in the house. 但是那只有着坏习惯、还不成熟的狗,反而对家中的变化感到兴奋不已。
- The retriever, on the other hand, an immature dog with bad habits, was excited by all the changes in the house. 但是那只有着坏习惯、还不成熟的狗,反而对中的变化感到兴奋不已。
- Treat your body like a dartboard and pummel it with bad habits, and you won't have energy for fun. 若把身体当成垃圾桶,尽装些坏习惯进去,就不会有精力享受人生。
- Some people,in recent years,have been tainted with these vices of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. 这些年,有的人就学了林彪、“四人帮”这一套。
- Fears were raised even higher after it was discovered that some creamers had also been tainted with melamine. 之后又发现部分奶精也受到三聚氢胺的污染,恐慌更因此而飙高。
- If you master the basics, you can continue advancing. If not, you will get worse and continue with bad habits. 如果你的基本步熟练了,你可以继续难度高的学习。如果你的基本步还不熟,你会跳得更糟,并且以坏习惯继续下去。
- I have to bear with his bad habit. 我不得不忍受他的坏习惯。
- He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。
- Meanwhile, since our Party is the party in power, some of our comrades are prone to be tainted with subjectivism, bureaucracy or sectarianism. 同时,由于我们党的执政党的地位,我们的一些同志很容易沾染上主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的习气。
- Some people, in recent years, have been tainted with these vices of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. 这些年,有的人就学了林彪、“四人帮”这一套。
- Children tend to be tainted by their bad company. 孩子们容易受到坏伙伴的坏影响。
- Meanwhile,since our Party is the party in power,some of our comrades are prone to be tainted with subjectivism,bureaucracy or sectarianism. 同时,由于我们党的执政党的地位,我们的一些同志很容易沾染上主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的习气。
- He must shuck off the bad habits. 他应该改掉过去的坏习惯。
- Sanlu had the highest levels of melamine contamination out of 22 companies whose products were tainted with the industrial chemical. 在22家产品受到三聚氰胺污染的企业中,三鹿产品的三聚氰胺含量是最高的。
- It's a bad habit for a boy to toss off. 对一个男孩来说,手淫是个坏习惯。
- The 23-year-old is unhappy with the reputation he is being tainted with and is adamant that his approach is not overly physical. 已经23岁的他对名誉上被加上污点很不高兴并且坚信他的做法不是滥用身体上的优势。