- All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 一切事物互相联系并互相作用。
- It must be kept in mind that they are interrelated. 必须记住他们是互相关联的。
- All these policies and principles are interrelated. 这是一整套相互关联的方针政策。
- All things are interrelated and interacted. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的.
- These two things are interrelated and shouldn't be treated separately. 这两件事是有关连的,不能割裂开来。
- Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas. 女性主义的观点与哲学思想是紧密相连的。
- All things are interrelated and interacted with each other. 一切事物都是相互联系又相互作用的。
- All things are interrelated and interact with each other. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的.
- A legal struggle and its legal forms are interrelated; without the legal forms there would be no legal struggle. 合法斗争与合法形式是相关联的,没有合法的形式就没有合法的斗争。
- We should recognize that many of these terms and groups are interrelated. 我们必须意识到这些数项和数群中许多是相互关联的。
- The Core Values and Concepts are interrelated to one another, they should be applied in an integrated manner. 核心价值和概念是彼此相关的。
- The Olympic spirit and canal spirit are interrelated with all mankind. 人类内心深处的精神家园,是永远相通的!
- Developing the economy and protecting the environment are interrelated. 发展经济和保护环境是互相关联的。
- The predictive and confirmatory roles of information are interrelated. 信息的预测作用和确认作用是相互联系的。
- Socialism and Party leadership are interrelated, they cannot be separated from each other. 这两点是相互联系的,是一个问题。
- Medical science has learned that the mind and body are interrelated,meaning that your mental well-being affects your physical state and vice versa. 医学研究表明,人的心身是相互关连的,也就是说你的心理健康影响着你的身体状况,反之亦然。
- We assume that components are interrelated at a number of interfaces or terminals. 我们假定这些元素在一些接口,或端子上相联系。
- Project managers may have a set of projects they work with all the time, whether the projects are interrelated or not. 项目经理可能会一直处理一组项目,无论这些项目相关或不相关。
- The sweetness and alcohol content of wines are interrelated because fermentation converts the grape sugars to ethanol. 由于发酵过程将糖类转化为酒精;因此葡萄酒的甜度和酒精含量是相互关联的.
- All subjects are interrelated, because each subject deals with an aspect of reality, and reality is a coherent whole. 科目都是内部联系的,因为每个科目应对真理的一个方面,而真理是一个连贯性的整体。