- The landlord thought that he could come over the farm hands one way or another. But he was grossly mistaken. 那个地主心想他总有办法去制服那些雇农。但是他大错特错了。
- The employees believed that there was safety in numbers, but were grossly mistaken. 那些雇员以为他们人多势众,但是他们大错特错了。
- He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it. 他犯了严重的错误却不肯承认。
- be grossly mistaken 大错特错
- Press reports have been grossly exaggerated. 新闻报道过于夸张。
- The animals had been grossly ill-treated. 那些动物受到了恣意虐待。
- The staff are grossly overworked. 员工累得疲惫不堪。
- John said it was grossly exaggerated. 约翰说,这件事被过分夸大了。
- These concerns are grossly overblown. 这是杞人忧天了。
- I thought the decision was grossly unfair. 我认为这个决定非常不公平。
- According to it, the PIL was being grossly misused. 根据其说法,公益诉讼被严重滥用;
- She thought her room-mates were gross fools. 她觉得跟她同住的少女都是大傻瓜。
- Up to now, and probably for quite some time yet, the energetics of molecular grouping must be grossly simplified. 直到现在,而且可能在以后相当一段时间内,分子团力学必须得作粗略的简化。
- His language and behavior were gross. 他的言行很粗鲁。
- This time the blood was everywhere! It was gross. (这一次血流得到处都是!)
- Generally, a round should be cancelled only in a case where it would be grossly unfair not to cancel it. 一般来说,一轮比赛在非常不公平的情况下进行才应该被取消。
- There might be gross breaches of the Agreement that could topple the military balance it ratified. 可能出现推翻协定所规定的军事力量平衡的严重行为。
- He is too proud to admit that he had been grossly in error. 他骄傲得不肯承认他的错误是严重的。
- The court has made a gross mistake in sending an innocent man to prison. 法庭犯了一个严重的错误,将一名无辜的人投进了监狱。
- The punishment was grossly disproportionate to the crime. 这种惩罚与罪行极不相称。