- The Indian was emotionally attached to his moutains, valleys, or prairies. 印第安人非常热爱自己的高山、溪水和草原。
- The Indian was emotionally attached to his mountains, valleys, or prairies. 印第安人非常热爱自己的高山、溪水和草原。
- The Indian was emotionally attached to his mountains, valleys, or prairies 印第安人非常热爱自己的高山、溪水和草原。
- This is the last politician to whom I will become emotionally attached. 这是我在感情上与之相投合的最好的政治家。
- be emotionally attached 忘情
- I never be emotionally willing to delete your message.I love you so much. 无尽的爱:无论经过多少的寒冬,我决不放手我的爱有罪
- The patient is in good condition and seems to be emotionally undisturbed. 病人的健康状态良好,情绪似使正常。
- Could the Eyes Alone Be Emotional Cues to Children? 儿童情绪表情识别的眼睛线索之发展研究?
- People working 1 also tend to be emotionally defensive and hypersensitive or very pushy, but not usually in-between. 1倾向于情绪上的自卫和过度敏感或强迫他人,但通常不会在两者之间.
- Love, hatred, and grief are emotions. 爱,恨,悲伤都是人的情感。
- It wasn't until she received an award from her hospital during Nursing Recognition Week, and he heard her tearful acceptance speech, that he realized how emotionally attached she was to her profession. 直到医院开展护理工作表彰周,妻子受到医院的奖励,并亲自听到妻子流着泪的受奖演说时,他才意识到他妻子是如何热爱自己的职业,对之怀有何等深的感情。
- If you do , you are showing that you are emotionally weaker. 如果你做了,那就是等于你在说你是个感情脆弱的人。
- Because there would be none of that messy emotional attachment. 因为不会有什么麻烦的感情附属品。
- People change when they are emotionally engaged and committed. 当人们在情感上投入并有所托付(给组织)时,就会有改变。
- Mrs. Jones, do you believe you are emotionally stable? 问:琼斯先生,你认为你的情绪稳定吗?
- An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. 嗜好一种强烈的感情依赖,比如对一个宠物或珍贵的东西
- Rui Costa admits his return to AC Milan will be emotional. 鲁伊.;科斯塔承认他将怀着感激的心情回到圣西罗。
- Love, happiness and sadness are emotions. 爱、快乐和悲伤都是情感。
- What a rose looks like,smells like, the pain of the thorn and emotions attached to it are allin different parts. 科学家目前认为,记忆分布在大脑的各个区域。