- be awarded on honorary title 被授予名誉
- Tom was awarded an honorary title by the mayor for his contribution to the education . 市场授予了汤姆一个荣誉称号表彰他对教育所做出的贡献。
- Li Shunlong, Chairman of Chengdu Levis Furniture Company, was awarded the honorary title of the" China's outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in 2005 ". 董事长李顺龙先生也获得了“2005年中国优秀民营企业家”等荣誉称号。
- Yangxin County, was awarded several times "Ten large taxpayer" and "re-employment in Huangshi City, an advanced unit" and the honorary title. 多次荣获阳新县“十大纳税大户”和“黄石市再就业先进单位”等荣誉称号。
- The BAFTA’s will be awarded on February 12, two weeks before the Oscars. BAFTA奖将在2月12日颁发,这比奥斯卡奖颁奖典礼早了两个星期。
- Five medals of Honor were awarded on August. 在八月曾颁发了五枚荣誉勋章。
- be awarded on honorary degree 被授予名誉
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the written Statement of Purpose. 奖学金的评估将基于高考成绩及目的声明的评估。
- One of the 24th batch students, who was awarder the honorary title of “Sea-Air Soldier” by the Central Military Committee. 王伟二十四期学员,被军委授予“海空战士”荣誉称号。
- She was awarded provincial and city level of honorary titles such as "Female pace setter" and "Excellent Party Member". 她本人先后被授予省、市级“巾帼建功标兵”、“优秀共产党员”等多项荣誉称号。
- She was awarded the provincial and city level of honorary titles such as the national "March 8" Red Banner Pacesetter, and "The Female Pace setter". 她凭借“以老人为本”的服务理念,真正实现了“替天下儿女尽孝、为众多家庭解愁、让入住老人幸福、给政府社会分忧”的诺言。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next-best teams,regardless of division. 每个区的其余的决赛入场券则不分组别,根据球队的比赛成绩,给予其次的6支最好的球队。
- Points will be awarded on the basis of English and French abilities in four skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. 注释:评分将基于申请人英语及法语说、读、写及听方面的能力。
- The modifications bring the total value of the contracts BAE Systems has been awarded on MRAP RG33 vehicles to $1.3 billion. 两项合同修正与BAE系统公司之前获得的有关RG33 MRAP装甲车的合同,总价值达13亿美元。
- She was awarded the title of baroness for her loyalty to the king. 由于对国王的忠诚,她被封为女男爵的头衔。
- Dong Jun Wei, was awarded on the coming general, Thai cantonment town, or Gaocheng Wing for the state, the rate of his military forces were called Martini. 董俊被授予龙虎卫上将军,屯驻泰城,升藁城为永安州,他所率军队亦被称为匡国军。
- What is the award on the damage statement? 对索赔损失上诉采取什么裁决?
- Honorary Title: Distinguished Teacher of Fujian Normal University. 荣誉称号:福建师大教学名师。
- He inherited the honorary title from his maternal grandfather. 他从外公那里继承了荣誉头衔。