- You should be very proud of him. 您应该为他感到非常自豪。
- You must be very proud of Aimee! 母亲节快乐, Happy Mother Day!
- Glad to see your mother attend the concert at UCSD that evening. She must be very, very proud of you. 在这场讲唱会很开心的遇见的你的母亲,他对你感到非常、非常的骄傲。
- I'm very proud of the two of you. 我为你们两个骄傲。
- She must be very proud of herself. 她一定非常自豪。
- I am very proud of you, at this young age you are already working your way up to be famous and representing yourself. 我非常引你为豪,这么年轻就已经这么有名气和表现自己的那么好。
- Your Uncle Drew and I are very proud of you,as you know. We've been two of your biggest boosters since you were a baby. 我和你Drew叔叔为你感到非常骄傲。从你小时候起,我俩便喜欢你。
- I am very proud of Lily's capacity. 我真为莉莉的肚量感到骄傲。
- I am very proud of you. 我为你感到非常骄傲。
- He was very proud of his old Virginian ancestry. 他对于他那久远的弗吉尼亚的家谱很引以自豪。
- Stroeve had always been very proud of his taste. 施特略夫一向对自己的审美感非常自豪。
- His parents,for their part,were very proud of him. 至于他的父母,他们为他感到非常骄傲。
- Her parents are very proud of her. 她父母为她感到自豪。
- We are very proud of our success in work. 我们为我们工作的成功而感到骄傲和自豪。
- We are very proud of this achievement. 我们为此感到无比骄傲和自豪。
- If your father had still been alive, he would have felt very proud of you. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。
- Andre had been very proud of that entree. 安德烈曾经为正餐前那道开胃菜颇感自豪。
- This is something we in Hong Kong should be very proud of. 成绩实在令人鼓舞,值得我们香港人骄傲。
- As for cinema, Taiwan can be very proud of film director, Ang Lee. 至于电影,台湾可以因为电影导演李安而引以为傲。