- The platoon was under fire all night long. 那个排整晚都在遭受炮火攻击。
- The visiting president was under fire. 那个来访的总统遭到射击。
- We were under fire from all sides. 我们受到四面八方的炮火袭击。
- I was under fire when the board reviewed my proposal. 在董事会讨论我的提案时,我遭到了批评。
- The First Chinese Campus Queen Contest was under fire! 中国首次大学校花选举,遭网民炮轰!
- The principal was under fire for not sending the boys home who had stolen the car. 校长由于没有开除那几个偷汽车的学生而受到责难。
- Secretary for Transport Nicholas Ng Wing-fui was under fire last night for allegedly preventing a lawmaker from voting. 运输局局长吴荣奎涉嫌阻挠立法会议员投票,昨晚遭议员炮轰。
- Even before the recession, Swiss bank secrecy and low cantonal tax rates were under fire. 瑞士在经济衰退时期仍在实行的瑞士银行保密制度以及各州的低税率,遭到了很多国家的猛烈批判。
- The 11 anonymous government scholarship recipients were under fire,whereas Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan suggested a review of the scholarship system. 许多人都把矛头对准了匿名的11名政府奖学金得主,陈庆炎副总理也提议重新检讨奖学金的颁发条件。
- Gross, 69, has been under fire since last December over the Andros autopsy, in which he concluded that the 31-year-old mother of two had been suffocated. 格若斯,69岁,从去年十二月以来一直因安卓斯验尸事件遭受攻击,他对安卓斯这位31岁的母亲的验尸结论是受窒息而死。
- The 11 anonymous government scholarship recipients were under fire, whereas Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan suggested a review of the scholarship system. 许多人都把矛头对准了匿名的11名政府奖学金得主,陈庆炎副总理也提议重新检讨奖学金的颁发条件。
- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government was “under fire” in Rome, according to the New York Times, over losing the bid. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼的政府是“射击”在罗马,据纽约时报报道,在失去了竞标。
- Both the RCMP and the local search and rescue team have been under fire because a search for the couple was never organized, despite two reports of SOS signs stamped in the snow . 加拿大皇家骑警队和当地的搜救队虽然收到了两次有人用脚在雪中踩出SOS的报告,却从没有对这对夫妇展开搜救行动,而遭到诘难(责难、责骂)。
- We don't want to be under anybody's thumb. 我们不想被任何人所控制。
- Under fire is not a time to be fumbling with gear. 在枪口下,不是倒腾你那些器材的时候。
- The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire. 士兵在枪林弹雨中严守军纪。
- You'll be under the table if you drink all that wine. 如果你把那些酒都喝了,你会醉的。
- In 1937, Black was under fire because of his former membership in the Ku Klux Klan-which suggested he might have narrow, prejudiced conceptions inconsistent with the traditions of the court. 在1937年,布莱克由于他的前三k党成员身份遭到攻击,这个身份说明他可能存有与法庭传统背道而驰的观念,狭隘而带有偏见。
- You'll be under (an) anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. 给你施麻醉後,你就什麽也感觉不到了。