- He is said to be under arrest fr stealing. 据说他由于偷窃被捕了。
- She was under arrest on suspicion of murder. 她因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕。
- The one who had robbed you was under arrest. 抢劫你的那个人已经被逮捕了。
- Sam Fisher, you are under arrest of terroism aginst. 画,然后你就被捕了。
- You are under arrest on charge of espionage, please cooperate with us. 我们将以间谍嫌疑罪拘捕你,请与我们合作。
- She was under arrest for stealing goods from store, but bailed later. 她因偷窃店铺商品被捕,但后来得到保释。
- You are under arrest. 你被捕了。
- HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Martin Wells, you are under arrest for the murder of Vicky Wells. 谋杀探员:马丁威尔斯,你因谋杀维琪而被逮捕。
- Conditions are very terrible ,there are a lot of gentle people ,but they are very mischance.They were under arrest. 当时很乱有不少和平人士,但很不幸他们都被捕了。”
- Arrived at the station-house, the sergeant in charge told him curtly that Bass was under arrest. 他不住的念着,一面拿他的粗手擦着淌汗的额头。
- Rojas, who was also charged with tampering with evidence and endangering the welfare of a child, was under arrest at the 115th Precinct Station House this morning. 他们表示,孩子的尸体很可能已经和杰克森高地当地的垃圾一起被运到了宾夕法尼亚的垃圾填埋场。
- In the summer of 1918, the tsar's family, with a few of their retinue, were under arrest in the Siberian town of Ekaterinberg. 1918年夏,沙皇一家,以及几个随从被拘禁在西伯利亚小镇叶卡特琳堡。
- He was under arrest. 他被捕了。
- Ms.Rojas, who was also charged with tampering with evidence and endangering the welfare of a child, was under arrest at the 115th Precinct Station House this morning. 罗加斯同时还被控伪造证据和危害儿童健康,今天早上她在第115区警察局被逮捕。
- The forger was under arrest. 那名造假者被拘留了。
- We don't want to be under anybody's thumb. 我们不想被任何人所控制。
- Six of the gangs are in the police station under arrest. 犯罪团伙中的6人被关押在警察分局。
- He was under house arrest until the day of his trial. 直到受审之日为止,他一直被软禁着。
- I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary. 我按企图盗窃罪逮捕你。
- You'll be under the table if you drink all that wine. 如果你把那些酒都喝了,你会醉的。