- In intercourse with my friends, have I always been true to my word? 与朋友交往有不讲信用的情况吗?
- be true to my wordvt. 说到做到(说话算话)
- Being a man true to my word, today we ll look at two such constructions, the ablative absolute and the passive periphrastic ; as well as the dative of agent. 身为言而有信之人,今天我要介绍独立从格和迂说被动这两种结构,以及施事予格(间接受格)的用法。
- While my heart beats, it'll be true to you. 只要我的心跳着,它始终忠诚地向着你。
- Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. 真实地对待你的工作,你的言语和你的朋友。
- I beg you to give ear to my word. 我请求你听一听我的话。
- Will Mary be true to her work or true to her heart? 玛丽将忠实于她的工作,还是直面自己的心灵?
- The financial Chancellor was true to his word. 财政大臣没有食言。
- Needless to say, you need to be true to yourself. 不用说,你必须忠于自己。
- Trust in Gods and Be True to youself. 对自己要真实。
- Ah, love, let us be true to one another. 啊,爱情,让我们真诚相待。
- Be true to yourself first and foremost. 坦白地面对自我才是第一位。
- Listen carefully to my word, And let this be your consolations. 2你们要细听我的言语,作为你们对我的安慰。
- Be true to: be loyal to David was true to. 大卫忠于自己的妻子。
- He is very sensitive to my words. 他对我的话非常敏感。
- Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. 一生当中;不管什麽时候;你唯一的义务;就是真实的面对自己.
- They were attentive to my words. 他们对我的话很注意。
- A translated text should be true to the purpose of the original. 译文必须忠实于原文的主旨。
- The earth figures he carved are true to life. 他雕刻出来的土人栩栩如生。
- The novel about ghetto life was true to life. 这部有关平民窟生活的小说写得很真实。