- Today at the daycare, probably he was too occupied with playing, or was too late to inform the staff there to help him, so he had one little accident. 今天在托儿所,可能是他顾著玩或者迟了找姐姐帮他,所以弄湿了。
- Don't be too hard on her she's very young. 别对她太严了--她还小呢。
- One cannot be too careful in choosing friends. 择友愈谨慎愈好。
- Don't be too hard on him; he didn't mean to do it. 不要对他太严厉,他并不是故意这么做的。
- He's too occupied with the family. 他的精力全在家里,其他的就顾不上了。
- Don't be too down-hearted; things will get better. 别那麽垂头丧气,事情会好起来的。
- Don't be too confidential with strangers. 不要过份相信陌生人。
- I wouldn't be too sure about that. 这件事我不太有把握。
- You cannot be too careful in examinations. 考试时越仔细越好。
- You can't be too dewy-eyed if you want to succeed. 要成功就不能太天真。
- She was too busily occupied to go to the show. 她太忙了,不能去看演出。
- He was too busily occupied to go to the show. 他事情太忙,不能看演出。
- Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye. 微生物很小,肉眼看不见。
- Germs are too small to be seen with a naked eye. 细菌太小,用肉眼是看不到的。
- The plan fell down because it proved to be too expensive. 这项计划因费用过高而告吹。
- The Romans had always been too occupied in ruling other nations to become proficient in trade and industry; 商业和工业向来不是统治着各民族的罗马人的事业;
- The rug singed because it was too near the fire. 地毯太靠近壁炉已烤焦了。
- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record. 这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。
- I do not see why not, but it shall not be too expensive. 我看没什么不可以,但这不应该太贵了。
- He tried to see over the fence but it was too high. 他试图从栅栏上面看过去,但它太高了。