- be to the following effect 大意如下
- I have been to the hospital to see my wife. 我太太去了医院看个朋友。
- The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather. 比赛因天气不好而延期到下星期六进行。
- I've been to the Principality of Monaco. 我曾去过摩纳哥公国。
- We have be to the museum quite often. 我们常去那个博物馆。
- Have you been to the Imperial Palace? 你去过故宫吗?
- Have you been to the Yangtse Gorges? 你去过长江三峡吗?
- His offer was subject to the following conditions. 他的帮助需要拿以下条件做交换。
- Have you been to the prairies in North America? 你去过北美洲的大草原吗?
- Have you been to the York Minster? 你去过约克大教堂吗?
- What harm will it be to the elegance? 何伤斯文
- This example is equivalent to the following. 该示例与以下语句是等效的。
- Then shall their return be to the (Blazing) Fire. 然后他们必定要归于火狱。
- Delivery to the following recipients failed. 意思是“向以下收件人发送邮件失败。”
- She has never been to the Lowlands. 她从未到过苏格兰低地。
- Have you been to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing? 你去过北京的天坛吗?
- A more deterministic way (than waiting for a second) of knowing when the capture graph is running would be to use code similar to the following. 下面的代码片段显示一种更明确的方式来捕获图形正在运行的时刻(与等待1秒相比)。
- Have you been to the Triumphal Arch? 你去过凯旋门吗?
- This will be to a great extent also helpful in slows down the investor to face the regulative risk to the following market the anxiety. 这在很大程度上也将有助于减缓投资者对后续市场所面临调控风险的忧虑。
- They are to be seen in the following: (1) Never since imperialist aggression began against China has there been anything comparable to the present War of Resistance Against Japan. 这表现在:(一)现在的抗日战争,是自有帝国主义侵略中国以来所没有的。