- Her admiration for him was tinged with jealousy. 她对他的钦佩带有一点妒忌。
- His black hair was tinged with gray. 他的黑头发带着一点灰白。
- Now the maple leaves are tinged with autumn red. 现在枫叶淡淡地染上了秋天的红色。
- His remarks were tinged with irony. 他的话里带有讽刺意味。
- His words were tinged with cynicism. 他的话里透着嘲讽意味。
- The child's cheeks are tinged with red. 孩子的脸蛋微带红色。
- His voice was tinged with regret. 他的嗓音中稍稍流露出遗憾。
- Her admiration was tinged with envy. 她的羡慕之中含有妒意。
- His black hair was tinged with grey. 在他的一头黑发之中渐渐生出缕缕银丝。
- Mr. Pan's annoyance was tinged with sympathy. 潘先生一半发气,一半又觉得怜惜。
- His smile was tinged with cruelty. 他笑里藏刀。(他的笑容里渗透着残忍。)
- Her admiration for him was tinged with jealousy . 她对他的羡慕带有几分忌妒。
- Her cheeks are tinged with red . 她的两颊绯红。
- Her remarks were tinged with envy. 她的话里带有几分嫉妒。
- His black hair was tinged with grey . 在他的一头黑发之中渐渐生出缕缕银丝。
- His remarks were tinged with irony . 他的话里带有讽刺意味。
- His smile was tinged with cruelty . 他笑里藏刀。
- The maple leaves are tinge with autumn red. 枫叶染上了秋天的红色。
- Embraced by divine love, your life will be tinged with mystery but aglow with glory. 神的爱围绕你;你的生命虽会发生许多测不透的事;但却是光彩灿烂的.
- Their joy at having finished work was tinged with sadness at leaving. 他们完成任务的喜悦中掺杂着一丝离别的悲哀。