- We'd still be the talk of the town here in Beijing. 咱在北平也照唱照红!
- Recent nudity on the stage has been the talk of the town. 最近舞台上出现的裸体已成为大家谈论的话题。
- He was the big card of the town. 他是该镇里很有名望的人物。
- Recent nudity on the New York stag e has been the talk of the town. 最近纽约舞台上出现裸体的事情已经成为街谈巷议的话题。
- A good education should not be the monopoly of the rich. 良好的教育不应是富人独享的事。
- I dream of being the best footballer in the town. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。
- The death of Michael has been the talk of the town recently. 迈克尔的死最近成了街谈巷议的话题。
- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。
- I dream of being the best programmer in the town. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。
- A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism. 一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点。
- There was the Glory in the centre of the town, spewed clean water every moment. 镇的中心的“荣耀之泉”时时刻刻都喷涌着清澈的泉水.
- The new car was the pride of the whole family. 新汽车是全家人引以自豪之物。
- He was the conceiver of the plan. 他是该计画的构想者。
- Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes. 英国的政治以往是有产阶级的特权。
- It was the sailor's first night ashore; they painted the town red. 这是水手们上岸的第一个夜晚; 他们大肆狂欢痛饮。
- It should be the height of the season in Bali. 现在本应是巴厘岛最繁忙的旅游旺季。
- Will 2003 be the year of the first human clone? 人类第一个克隆人会在2003年诞生吗?
- These men are the backbone of the country. 这些人是国家的中坚力量。