- He is as swift of foot as a hare. 他跑得像兔子一样快。
- There's a prophecy that tells of a creature, swift of foot. 有一个预言曾经提到过一头动物,疾驰如风。
- be swift of foot [书面语]能健步疾走
- I soon discovered there were goats on the island. But they were so swift of foot that it was the most difficult thing in the world to come near them. 不久,我发现岛上有山羊出没,只是它们跑得太快,要接近它们,真比登天还难。
- Life is a precession.The slow of foot finds it too swift and he steps out; And the swift of foot finds it too slow and he too steps out. 生命是一次行军,脚步慢的人觉得它太快了,于是退出;脚步快的人觉得它太慢了,也退出。
- Neither shall he stand that handleth the bow; and he that is swift of foot shall not deliver himself: neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver himself. 拿弓的不能站立,腿快的不能逃脱。骑马的也不能自救。
- Defeat, my Defeat, my self-knowledge and my defiance, through you I know that I am yet young and swift of foot and not to be trapped by withering laurels. 失败,我的失败,我的自知与挑战,通过你,我知道我还步伐矫捷,宝刀未老,还没被干枯的月桂所捕获。
- He could neither weep nor laugh, and moved about clumsily in the cosy little rooms like a big rabbit in a small wooden cage, gazing longingly outside, unable to escape though so swift of foot. 他不认识了自己。 他想不起哭,他想不起笑,他的大手大脚在这小而暖的屋中活动着,像小木笼里一只大兔子,眼睛红红的看着外边,看着里边,空有能飞跑的腿,跑不出去!
- But then it was attended with this misfortune to me, viz. That they were so shy, so subtle, and so swift of foot, that it was the most difficult thing in the world to come at them. 因为这些山羊胆小而又狡猾,而且跑得飞快,实在很难靠近他们。
- Now the sons of Marketing looked upon the children of Turing, and saw that they were swift of mind and terse of name and had many great and baleful attributes. 行销之子们在图灵孩子的身上发现了敏捷的思维,朴素的名称。当然还有那些崇高却危害到他们的品格。
- The dissolution of the empire was swift. 帝国迅速地瓦解了。
- Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。
- This is why the athletes in the pentathlon are most beautiful because they are naturally adapted for bodily exertion and for swiftness of foot. 这就是为什么运动员在该五项是最美丽的 因为他们是自然适应身体消耗和快捷脚“ 。
- Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! 哦,我的灵魂快点回应主的号召!我的脚要欢快奔跑!
- The distribution of relief material should be swift and methodical. 分发赈灾物品必须迅速而有条理。
- Swiftness of action or motion; speed. 迅速行动或移动敏捷; 速度
- Subject transitions will be swift, quite, and orderly. 更换上课科目时,应安静、迅速、有秩序。
- Have complimented me on my lightness of foot. 步履的轻盈。
- A regiment of foot are descending the hill. 一团的步兵正走下山丘
- He has lost 2 points because of foot fault. 他脚下违例失去了2分。