- The evening sky was suffused with crimson. 黄昏时分天空红霞灿灿。
- Her eyes were suffused with warm, excited tears. 她激动地热泪盈眶。
- The sky was suffused with the pale light of dawn. 天空泛着黎明的曙光。
- Her face was suffused with a blush of shame. 她羞得满脸通红。
- At twilight, the sky was suffused with color. 黄昏时天空映满彩霞。
- Her face was suffused with colour. 她满脸通红。
- Her eyes were suffused with tears. 她热泪盈眶。
- From now on, I become the idea of "be suffused with a teacher theory" gradually. 从此,我逐渐形成“泛师论”的观念。
- Looking at his photo,her eyes were suffused with tears. 看着他的照片,她的眼中充满了泪水。
- Her face was suffused with the most enchanting blushes. 她的脸上泛起一片极为动人的红晕。
- The sky was suffused with a warm pink color; also of liquids. 天空中充满了温暖的粉红色;也指液体。
- She was suffused with a sense of sorrow, loss, beauty, and mystery. 她充满着一种悲哀、缺失、美丽和神秘的意识了。
- Her oval, olive-skinned face was suffused with anger and her little lips were bloodless. 她那俏黑的圆脸上透着怒红,小嘴唇却变白。
- Deng's reformist victory was suffused with compromise, a pattern that persists to this day. 邓小平的改革胜利充满着妥协,这一形式延续到了今天。
- Every minute of those eight months was suffused with touching tenderness of heart and breath-taking elevation of spirit. 八个月来的每一分钟,内心都扩散着动人的亲切,灵性在惊人地提升。
- Instead the recollections are suffused with a particular type of sadness, the kind that lingers when a doctor has honored a dying patient's humanity. 与此相反,整个回忆中弥漫着某种别样的悲伤,那时一个医生对一位濒死患者所展现出的人性光辉的挥之不去的敬意。
- The mass media object that the female is inflexible to be suffused with to change in to appreciate, deepened the female's "the other" role further. 大众传媒将女性刻板泛化为观赏的对象,进一步加深了女性的“他者”角色。
- Sir Alex Ferguson, it must be said, did not have the grace of Gene Kelly, but his face was suffused with the kind of smile that might be a permanent fixture this summer. 弗格森爵士并没有金凯利那般优雅,但必须提到的是,他的脸上洋溢着一种笑容,而这样的笑容将会成为这个夏天的永恒。
- The attraction of this species partly in the cordate leaves, which are suffused with purple when grown in full sunlight, but green and more luxuriant when grown in shade. 它的迷人之处在于心形的叶片,在阳光充足的环境下,叶片会布满紫色,若在较阴处则呈绿色至墨绿。
- Put forward the norm request to the research study" be suffused with to turn" and the phenomenon of" apotheosis" appear in the history teaching of the high school also. 并对在中学历史教学中出现的研究性学习“泛化”和“神化”的现象提出了规范性要求。