- The grapes, though, may be sour. 可是,葡萄也许是酸的。
- These apples are not ripe; they are sour. 这些苹果不熟,是酸的。
- His remarks about the skating champion are sour grapes. 他对那个溜冰冠军的批评是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。
- We spread lime where the soil was sour. 土壤酸性大的地方我们就撒上石灰。
- They have soured on the government. 他们对现政府已感到失望了。
- Some cherries are sweet and some are sour. 有些樱桃是甜的,有些樱桃是酸的。
- "The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them. [谚]狐狸吃不到葡萄,就说葡萄酸。
- Warrent ignored Peter, this expression was sour. 沃伦特满脸不高兴,不去理睬彼得。
- These apples are not ripe, they are sour. 这些苹果没有成熟,他们是酸的。
- I like lemons because they are sour. 我喜欢柠檬因为它们是酸的。
- She was soured by his indifference. 她因他的冷漠而变得不快。
- All this is not to suggest that Schwartz has soured on her cause. 所有这一切并不是说施瓦茨已经恶化对她的事业。
- The old man has been soured by poverty. 那老人因贫困而变得乖戾了。
- When the fox could not get at the grapes he said they were sour. 狐狸够不着葡萄就说葡萄是酸的。
- Thomas made a little grimace, perhaps he thought the wine was sour. 托马斯微微皱起眉头可能是他认为酒发酸了。
- Relations between the SEC and the NYSE have been sour ever since. 自那以后,证交会与纽约证交所的关系一直比较僵,目前也未明显改善。
- But the new regime in Milwaukee had soured on the whole Yi experience. 但易建联在这里经历的一切,已经不可能继续提升他。
- The rain was sour and acid, nearly the color of piss. 雨水如此酸臭冰冷,颜色就像小便。
- Mother bought many apricots, but most of them were sour. 妈妈买回好多杏子,可惜大部分是酸的。
- Ten plum nines are sour, ten officer's son 9 are greedy for. 十个梅子九个酸,十个官儿九个贪。