- One,the people that have Aisha are running the show... |第一 抓Aisha的那帮人操纵着整个事件...
- After all, the king has been running the show since his half-brother, King Fahd, suffered a stroke in 1995. 然而,自他的同父异母兄弟法赫德国王在1995年中风后,阿卜杜拉一直在主导着改革进程。
- But fomor of fincial lets poors a former official at Standard &Poor's saidwill , " Profits were running the show. 标准普尔的前任官员称,利益的滚动就是这样表现的。
- He knew he was running the risk for the people. 他如道,他冒这危险是为了人民。
- Harry can be very helpful but I wish he didn't always want to run the show. 哈里会大有帮助的,但我希望他不要总想操纵一切。
- A: I am running the Boston Marathon in August. 8月我要去参加波士顿的马拉松赛跑。
- The son is actually the one who runs the show. 实际上儿子是操纵一切的人。
- My father runs the show in our house. 在我们家中我的父亲当家。
- Oliver: Always running the show. 奥利弗:还是一切由她在指挥吗?
- Who will run the show this time? 这次的活动由谁来主持?
- He parents had told me never to speak to their daughter again, so I knew that I was running the gauntlet when I telephoned her to arrange a meeting. 他父母不许我再和他们的女儿谈话,因此,我知道打电话和她约会是在经受惩罚性的考验。
- Isiah Thomas is no longer running the show in New York. 以赛亚托马斯已经不在纽约扮冤大头了。
- The show will be open till next Saturday. 这档秀将演到下星期六。
- Nakata, however, was the one running the show for Japan. 但是中田英寿是日本队这场比赛的导演。
- The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。
- The Grand National will be run in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,一年一度的全国大马赛仍将举行。
- The database must not be running on a server when you run the Write File utility. 在运行写文件实用程序时,数据库一定不能正在服务器上运行。
- The heats of the 200 metres will be run off tomorrow. 明天举行200米预赛。
- Make sure that you are running the latest Exchange service pack. 确保正在运行最新的Exchange服务包。
- The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. 因观众太少而取消演出。