- The French are renowned for their cooking. 法国人擅长烹饪。
- Hetian has long been renowned for its carpets. 和田地毯一向很出名。
- Tibetan dogs are renown for their viciousness. 藏狗的凶恶是极负盛名的。
- The Mongolians are renowned for their singing and dancing. 蒙古族向来以能歌善舞著称。
- Prof. Li was renowned for his classical scholarship. 李教授因其在古典文学方面的造诣而闻名。
- Manufacturing firms in Hong Kong are renowned for their versatility. 香港的制造商素以灵活应变见称。
- Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity. 巴尔干骑兵们手持长矛和狼牙棒,以作战凶残闻名于世。
- Zheng Banqiao was renowned for skilled at drawing bamboo and orchids. 郑板桥以善画竹兰见称于世。
- Or those who, like Malraux, wanted to be renowned for their use of arms as much as for the books they wrote? 还是那些像马尔罗,想要著名为其使用的武器之多的书籍写?
- They have also been renowned for their talent at scouting out Wyrm taint where no one else could find it. 他们也因为能发现别人都发现不了的妖蛆污点的能力而出名。
- Western sinologists like Dudbridge and Schipper are renowned for their scholarship but diffident in the extreme. 事实上,西方汉学家如杜德桥、施博尔,实名重士林,却谦抑有加;
- As a young man Leonardo was renowned for his physical beauty and his great strength. 年轻时列奥纳多以其形体健美和强壮有力而驰名。
- The Welsh people are renowned for their good voices and it is rare to find a village without at least one choir competing in an arts festival. 威尔士人以他们的优美嗓音而闻名。很难有一个村庄没有至少一个合唱团在艺术节参加比赛的。
- Over his career he was renowned for telling jokes, summing up issues with memorable lines, and making the odd gaffe. 在他的职业生涯中,他因善于开玩笑,妙语连珠和时不时的出丑而出名。
- In those times his courteous and talkative wife was renowned for her hospitality. 当时,他那位殷勤、健谈的女主人素有好客的美名。
- Japanese swords are renowned for their hardness and extreme sharpness; they were the weapons of the samurai. 日本人的军刀因其坚硬和极端锋利而闻名,是日本武士的武器。
- The products of that country's mechanical industry are renowned for their high quality. 那个国家的机械工业产品以高质量闻名。
- This game was renowned for its unrivaled database and helped make it one of the best football management games around. 这场比赛是以其无与伦比的数据库,并使它成为一个最好的足球管理的游戏了。
- Padma Sambhav was renowned for his knowledge of tantras and of their efficacious application. 他因自己对塔陀罗的了解及应用而闻名。
- Madame de Stael, a French writer of the Napoleonic period, was renowned for her cutting tongue. 拿破仑时代法国作家斯塔尔夫人以说话尖酸著名。