- The cricket match was rained off . 曲棍球比赛由于下雨而被取消。
- The game has been rained off again. 比赛又一次因雨而被取消。
- The afternoon's game was rained off. 下午的比赛因下雨而取消了。;
- The cricket match was rained off. 曲棍球比赛由于下雨而被取消。
- The game was rained off. 比赛因雨而取消。
- The match was rained off twice. 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期。
- It was raining off and on all day. 雨断断续续地下了一整天。
- It has been raining off and on since noon. 从中午起就断断续续下着雨.
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- Recently it rained off and on every day. 近来每天都在断断续续地下雨。
- The meeting was rained off. 大会因雨而取消。
- The film shown in the open-air theatre had to be rained out last night. 昨天晚上露天剧场的电影因雨不得不停演。
- The weather forecast says there will be rain. 天气预报说要下雨。
- I'm afraid the ball game might be rained out. 恐怕球赛要因下雨而取消了。
- The cricket match is rained off . 曲棍球比赛由于下雨而被取消。
- I hope the Tiger's game won't be rained out. 我希望阪神队的比赛不要因下雨而延期。
- Take care not to let these goods be rained on! 当心别让这些货物被雨水淋湿了!
- It rained off and on since yesterday. 从昨天起就断断续续的下著雨。
- Take care not to let these goods be rained on. 当心别让这些货物淋到雨。
- To cause(an event) to be rained out. 使(某项事件)被取消