- Hamlet was poorly rendered by him. 哈姆雷特被他演糟了。
- be poorly fed 吃得好
- The boy is poorly fed. 那男孩经常吃不饱肚子。
- Kathy had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared. 凯西的数学很难进步,因为她的基础太差。
- As the bill was poorly drawn, they immediately began to pick holes in it. 由于法案拟得很糟,他们立即就开始挑毛病了。
- She's been poorly off since her husband died. 她丈夫死后她一直是贫困的。
- In the neighbourhood of the elephant shed, there was a scrawny, poorly fed, stray dog. 在象棚的旁边住着一只骨瘦如柴常常半饥半饱的流浪狗。
- The room was poorly illuminated by one candle. 一支蜡烛照得房间半明半暗。
- She was poorly prepared for the examination. 她考试准备得不充分。
- The actors were poorly rehearsed. 演员排练得不够。
- The plan was good but was poorly executed. 计划很好,但执行得很糟糕。
- The child has been poorly all week. 那孩子整个星期都病病歪歪的.
- Peasant workers are poorly remunerated. 农民工的收入很低。
- An unwell, or poorly fed, donkey will not pull the taxi that well and the owner will subsequently suffer from a reduction in income. 一隻狀況不好,或餵食差的驢,將沒有上述的馬將此車拉得好,且飼主將會受到收入減少之苦。
- Come with me, I beseech you, Reverend sir, else you will be poorly able to do Sabbath duty to-morrow. 跟我走吧,我求求你,可敬的先生; 不然的话,明天安息日你就没法尽好责任了。
- Manhattan might be poorly prepared to repel enemy attack, but Middlebury, Vt., would be impregnable. 曼哈顿可能会不堪一击,但是佛蒙特州的米得巴利将会是不可战胜的。
- The piece was poorly played; I sat on my hands and left early. 这首曲子弹得很糟,我不喜欢,就早早走了。
- Mrs. Green's been poorly off since her husband died. 自从丈夫死后,格林夫人生活一直很贫困。
- Her speech was poorly prepared,and I soon knocked down her. 她的发言准备得不好,于是我很快就驳倒了她的论点。
- In those days most of the employed were poorly paid. 在那些日子里,大多数受雇者工资很低。