- In the end he was out for a duck. 最后他以零分出局。
- But watch out for a duck I call Sally. 不过请注意一只被我叫做萨莉的鸭子。
- He was out for a duck. 他因得了零分而出局。
- Nani suffered a groin injury and he'll be out for a week. 纳尼遭受腹股沟的伤病,他将会缺席一周。
- The Yangs were out for a holiday. 杨家外出度假了。
- These people are out for a walk in the country. 这些人外出到乡间走走。
- A father and son snake are out for a nice afternoon slither. 一个阳光明媚的下午,蛇父亲和蛇儿子出去散步。
- Arsenal manager Aresene Wenger only expects him to be out for a week. 阿森纳经历旺热希望他可以在一周内回归。
- Add enough water and fodder to the trough, we might be out for a whole day. 给牲口的石槽添足水和饲料吧,我们可能要出去一整天。
- Be careful the dealers may hang out for a higher price. 小心提防,商人可能硬要抬高物价。
- Reds midfielder Paul Scholes could be out for a month after suffering a knee injury on United's Asia Tour. 红魔中场斯克尔斯在亚洲行中膝盖受伤,将修养一个月的时间。
- The most fun here is at the duck pond with all the ducks and geese. But watch out for a duck I call Sally. 在这里最大的乐趣是在鸭塘旁边和鸭、鹅在一起。不过请注意一只被我叫做萨莉的鸭子。
- Mouse and cat A mother mouse was out for a stroll wi. 摘要:老鼠和猫。
- I was out for a walk when I bumped into an old school friend. 我散步时赶巧遇见个老同学。
- be out for a duck 吃鸭蛋,退场
- I get flu and am out of commission for a week. 我得了流感,一星期没工作。
- He was bowled out for a duck. 他因得零分而被迫退场。
- She got the book out for a fortnight. 她把书借来,为期两周。
- Last night we dined out for a change. 昨晚我们在外面吃饭,换换口味。