- He was ordained priest last year. 去年授予他司铎一职。
- She was ordained the first woman priest of her church. 她被委任为她教会的第一位女牧师。
- Our rabbi was ordained in Spain. 我们的法师是在西班牙授职的。
- He was ordained (as) a priest last year. 他去年接受任命为神父。
- He was ordained a priest last year. 他去年被任命为牧师。
- Their separation was ordained by fate. 他们的分离是命运注定的。
- The minister was ordained only last month. 这个部长是上个月才被任命。
- And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. 那本来叫人活的诫命,反倒叫我死。
- The tax of homebred goods,value added tax,costoms duties and obtain employment's tax all be ordained by law. 国产货物税、增值税、进口税以及就业税均由法律加以规定。
- The bandit said, "I too would like to be ordained and learn to meditate in the forest. 强盗头说:“我也愿意剃度去森林里修习禅定。”
- He finally was ordained in 1615 and was named chaplain to the king. 也开始了他在当时也许是更负盛名的布道。
- The Day of Atonement and the holy seasons are ordained by God. 赎罪日和圣日是上帝钦定的。
- Pastor Kinson Leung was ordained to the gospel ministry. 按立梁健信传道为牧师。
- Then he was ordained a monk and gave up his kingly life. 然后他被任命为和尚,放弃了他的君主生活。
- Pastor David Wang was ordained to the gospel ministry. 按立王成伟传道为牧师。
- Pastor Joseph Wong was ordained to the gospel ministry. 按立黄祖然传道为牧师。
- He was ordained priest. 他被任命为牧师。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- A visit of punishment or affliction or of comfort and blessing regarded as being ordained by God. 天罚,天赐被认为由上帝降临的惩罚、折磨、安慰和祝福
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。