- Recently I feel that I am on thin ice, I am always anxious and fearful. 我最近如临深履薄,惴惴不安。
- It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。
- He's used to skating on thin ice and managed the situation as well as could be hoped. 他惯于处理棘手问题,并且十分成功的处理好了当时的局势。
- Their local football team was on thin ice at the end of the year. It had lost most of its games and had very little money left. 他们地方的足球队到年底陷入困境。它的大部分球赛都输了,只剩下很少一点钱。
- We could ignore him, but we'd be skating on thin ice. 我们可以不理会他,但那样我们就如履薄冰了。
- In dealing with this situation , you (we) should be ex-tra careful as if you (we) were on the edge of a cliff or treading on thin ice. 战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰:(也就是在危急的情况下,必须格外小心)照字面可译为:
- For its part, Goldman would have been on thin ice with its own shareholders if it had voluntarily relinquished valuable contract rights to make nice with Washington. 对于高盛来说,如果其自愿放弃极具价值的合约权力来与政府搞好关系,那它与自身股东的关系也就到了破裂边缘了。
- Young man, unless you start turning in your assignments on time and pull up your test scores, I have to tell you that you are on thin ice in this class. 这个教授说:“小夥子,我得告诉你,你现在在这个班里的学业情况很危险,除非你及时交作业而且提高你测验的分数。
- You are on thin ice already. 你现在已经骑虎难下了。
- When walking on thin ice you've got to walk fast. 薄冰上行走要走快。
- OPEC is still skating on thin ice. 要达到这样一些目标,欧佩克依然如履薄冰。
- His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy. 他的商号正面临破产的危险。
- He fell suddenly that he was on very thin ice. 他突然感到自己的处境很危险。
- You don't seem to realize what thin ice you are on. 你似乎没有意识到你现在的处境有多危险。
- He seemed satisfied with my description of how the machine works, but I was skating on thin ice because I don't really know much about it myself. 他似乎很满意我对机器操作的叙述,可是我却如履薄冰,因为我自己对那机器实在了解不多。
- We were really on thin ice when we disobeyed our father. 当我们不服从父亲时,我们便处于很危险的状态中。
- Roy doesn't know that he himself is walking on thin ice. 罗伊没有意识到自己正处境危险
- Without some facts to support you,you're on thin ice with that argument. 如果没有一些事实作为根据,你的那种论点是站不住脚的。
- Without some facts to support you, you're on thin ice with that argument. 如果没有一些事实作为根据,你的论点是站不住脚的。
- You're skating on thin ice when you take too much time for your lunch hour at work. 上班时你居然花这么长的时间午餐,你这是在冒险。