- The party in power soon learns what it's like to be on the receiving end of political satire. 执政党很快就尝到了遭受政治讽刺的滋味。
- He was on the receiving end in the fight and was knocked unconscious. 他在拳击比赛中招架不住,被打得昏了过去。
- She is earning more money now and likes being on the receiving end for a change. 她如今嫌的钱越来越多,希望财源滚滚而来,使自己变个样儿。
- Get over it, or you'll be on the receiving end of a layoff. 要不你就克制住自己想抱怨的心情,要不就等着打包走人吧。
- We were on the receiving end of several complaints. 我们蒙受到好几次投诉。
- The mayor has been on the receiving end for more abuse than be has dished out. 市长挨别人骂比他骂别人要多得多。
- The policeman was on the receiving end in the fight and was knocked unconscious. 在打斗中那位警察成了攻击目标,被击得不省人事。
- Now, you’re known as a big prankster, but I understand you were on the receiving end of the pranks. 记者:你曾经是个总喜欢搞恶作剧的顽童,但我知道你已经逐渐告别这个顽皮的年龄了。
- "This guy had been on the receiving end of German artillery, and had made it into an HMAS Sydney raft. “这个伙计处在接受德国炮弹那一端,又成功地上了澳大利亚皇家海军悉尼号的救生艇。
- Due to his involvement in the political scandal, the President has been on the receiving end of public criticism. 由于总统卷入这起政治丑闻,受到了公众的批评。
- If you've ever been on the receiving end of such anxious machinations, you know they make you want to run, not bond. 如果你曾经作为这种焦虑、阴谋诡计中的一位受方,你会知道他们是在让你逃之夭夭,而不是建立紧密关系。
- For instance, utilitarianism prevails in the development of curriculums, and educators are on the way of estrangement with those on the receiving end. 例如:课程研制的功利主义、教育者和受教育者生命的异化。
- If you are on the receiving end of a rejection from a co-worker,it's polite to let the other person off easily,not least because you must continue your professional relationship. 如果你是遭到拒绝的一方,让人家轻松解脱是礼貌之举,因为毕竟你们还要继续你们的工作关系。
- There is no gainsaying the power of word of mouth to make or break a new product.Just ask those who have been on the receiving end of consumer brickbats or bouquets. 没有人否认口碑拥有成就或毁灭一个新产品的强大力量,只要问问那些曾被消费者大肆抨击或赞扬的厂商,你自然就会明白。
- Love must be “willful” and it has everything to do with a will to love and should have very little or nothing to do with the ones who are on the receiving end of our love. 爱一定是“意志上的”,它与我们爱的意志息息相关,而与接受我们爱的一方很少或几乎没有关系。
- First, a basic attitude adjustment: Most people who are on the receiving end of change-back messages go into fits of guilt or defensiveness, then revert to familiar behaviors. 首先,一个基本的态度调整:处于”变回“讯息的接收一端多数人都会受到内疚或防御的袭击,然后,回到熟悉的行为中。
- The defiant Iraqi government, the Anglo-American coalition and the splintered Security Council itself all have been on the receiving end of his pointed reminders. 他尖刻的提示目标直指桀骜不驯的伊拉克政府,英美联盟以及四分五裂的安理会。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- I hope you'll be on the level with me. 我希望你对我坦率布公。
- The big fish will be on the take in the water. 大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉小鱼。