- The address they mentioned was off the record. 他们提到的那个讲演是不可引用的。
- He has been off the committee for months. 他离开委员会已有好几个月了。
- His scientific study seems to be off the beam. 他的科学研究似乎偏离了初衷。
- This cut will be off the main branch. 这将削减产主科。
- I say, this prom is gonna be off the hook! 我说, 这次的舞会将会充满激情!
- The dogs seem to be off the trail of the deer. 看来猎犬找不到鹿的踪迹了。
- These remarks are off the record. 这些话是私底下说的。
- His brother paid all his bills and he was off the hook. 他的兄弟替他付清了账,他无债一身轻。
- We'll be off the air for the summer and returning for a new series in the autumn. 我们将於夏季停播而於秋季开始播放一套新节目。
- He's been off the wagon ever since his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. 自从医生给他开了健康证明书以后,他就开了酒戒。
- All business here appears to be off the hinges. 这里的一切事情都显得失常。
- be off the gambol 竞技状态好
- The police admitted that they were off the scent. 警方承认他们失去了线索。
- The hound seem to be off the trail of the deer. 看来猎犬找不到鹿的踪迹了。
- He should be off the line any minutes now. 他应该快打完那个电话了。
- I mean, it's just been off the hook, you know? 我是说,就是充满了激情,你知道吗?
- Her remarks were off the cuff but very sensible. 她的即席发言很入情入理。
- Those discussions are off the mark. 那些讨论都没有接触到要点。
- She's been off the booze for a month now. 到现在她已经一个月滴酒不沾了。
- The police are off the beam in their search for the criminal. 警察搜寻罪犯时方向错了。