- It would be of no avail to act with undue haste. 操之过急,于事无补。
- The advice we got was of no avail. 我们得到的建议完全没用。
- Speeches and protests were of no avail. 演讲和抗议全都徒劳。
- He tried and tried but all his efforts were of no avail. 他试了又试,但一切努力都不起作用。
- Now it's done, regrets are of no avail. 事已如此, 后悔也是枉然。
- His intervention was of no avail. 他的调停无效。
- It was of no avail to persuade him. 劝说他也没有用。
- Pleading to the king for mercy was of no avail. 恳求国王的怜悯是没有用的。
- If one word does not succeed, ten thousand are of no avail. 一言不胜,满盘皆输。
- They tried artificial respiration but it was of no avail. 他们试做人工呼吸,可是无效。
- That would be of no avail. 这样恐怕无补于事。
- We have always believed that disarmament talks would be of no avail,but we are in favour of attempting negotiations. 我们历来不大相信裁军谈判会有什么效果,但是我们是赞成谈判的。
- Even if her help was of no avail to the case, it still came to be viewed as a gesture of good will. 即使她的帮助对解决这个问题没有什么效果,但也被视为是一种友好的表示。
- They tried artificial respiration on the patient, but it was of no avail. 我们试了对病人人工呼吸,但是毫无用处。
- We have always believed that disarmament talks would be of no avail, but we are in favour of attempting negotiations. 我们历来不大相信裁军谈判会有什么效果,但是我们是赞成谈判的。
- There is no substitute for talent.Industry and all the virtues are of no avail. 天赋没有替代品,勤奋与所有的美德都没用。
- Of course that was of no avail against a man who can strike down seven at a blow. 当然啰,用那种办法来抵抗一个一下子打死七个的人,是起不了什么作用的。
- They are of no avail against the enemy and simply ridiculous if practised on one's own countrymen. 这些东西,用以对付敌人都不行,用以对付同胞,简直未免可笑。
- "There is no substitute for talent. Industry and all the virtues are of no avail" (Aldous Huxley). “勤奋及其他的品质都不能弥补天分的不足” (阿尔多斯·赫胥黎)。
- All bodily tortures in the absence of celibacy are of no avail;such is the opinion of Lord Jinendra. 在无禁欲中所有身体的痛苦都是无效的,这就是耆那教义的看法。